pr's going back into the studio tonight to finish it's amazing new track.
for you on the outside, enjoy these
pics and videos
(sadly, the only picture i'm in...)
(audionerd rocking far to hard)
(redsetter tuning up)
(meterspesh minding the glow box)
(the day after clint turned 21. this is a great shot if you ask me...)
(the archetop on the left is my new kay...)
(let's hear it for lots of borrowed equipment!)
right click and save to disk to see! same here same here same here same here WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD THESE, FOR SOME REASON there is an added extension on them to make them a txt file... take that off, and make sure the file ends in .3g2, and you should be fine...
the videos are in .3g2 format, which is how they were recorded by my phone. quicktime played them just fine for me, but if you have issues, let them be heard below in the form of deflagrating remarks. (that means, burning remarks, kids...)
While we're at it, here's some pics from painting the other night...
(mathyou wrecktor although you can't tell...)
(scott is the only one who worked...)
(reminds me of the scream)
(barry and joe)
(scott and laurissa)
(laurissa trying to bite me. she cannot for the same reason a shark cannot bite a giant peach)
i'm also not sure if the cut is working....
if not, all apologies, i'll fix it tonight...