Title: The Curse
Characters: Claire, Peter, Nathan
Rating: G
Warning: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own it and don't want to.
Spoilers: Anything up to 4x05, "Tabula Rasa" with slight disregard to it as well.
Summary: Claire deliberates the truth of Nathan's situation.
A/N: Written for
commen_sense for her birthday. This came off the top of my head and, holy crap, it's platonic. (But it doesn't have to be.) First time for everything, my love.
Claire had a feeling that Nathan was the beginning, and the end, of everything.
Peter would have never felt this way if he’d never had the dream that he could fly, if he’d never tried to understand the truth of the gift he’d inherited.
The gift that Nathan had deemed a danger, a curse. The Petrelli curse. The curse that had ultimately cost Nathan his life.
Or had it? Had Nathan been granted the chance to start again? Could he redeem himself, forgive himself, reinvent himself? Would Peter accept it?
Could she?