Title: Gone and Left Behind
Pairing: Jaesu, slight Yoosu
Genre: Angst, romance
Length: Oneshot, 688 words
Rating: G
Summary: Jaejoong goes to Junsu and Yoochun's wedding.
A/N: My second - wedding - oneshot after
Nothing and Everything. I just felt like writing something since I haven't been able to take my mind off things recently. This took a surprisingly short amount of time to write.
Gone and Left Behind
It was quite a big mistake to come here today, he thinks, but he downs his glass and stands up to join the crowd that’s fighting their way over to the smiling couple. As he nears the lead of the show tonight, he sticks out a hand politely, meeting a pair of pretty, expressive eyes he had not seen in days. Congratulations … Junsu, the words slip out of his mouth robotically. Just saying the name makes something break inside, and his lips struggle to form a convincing smile, bowtie suddenly constricting his windpipe. Thank you. His answering smile is a little late, but he sees it anyway, blindingly bright. Reluctantly he releases the loose grasp he has on the other man’s hand and takes a step back, widening the gap between them because he knows if he doesn’t do it, he won’t be able to let go of him not just now, but forever.
I’ve just remembered, Yunho’s still waiting for me at home, he blabbers the first excuse he can think of to flee the scene before he cracks. I have to be home for dinner, he lets out a nervous chuckle, Yunho doesn’t like to wait. He sees the understanding dawn on Junsu and watches as he reaches out to pat him on the shoulder. It’s okay, Jaejoong-hyung. The younger man laughs widely, eyes crinkled at the corners attractively. Junsu’s touch is scorching on his shoulder, blazing red hot and seems to burn into his skin. But it’s okay even if it did; he’d be glad if it left a mark.
And it did.
Jaejoong felt slightly pleased.
Don’t leave Yunho-hyung waiting, Junsu ushers him, hands flapping in excitement. His face is flushed with happiness and Jaejoong stops to admire his expression for a moment, drinking it up and storing it in his memories.
Junsu, he calls. Hmm? Jaejoong gathers the bewildered man into his arms and inhales his boyish scent, somewhat displaced by the rich, deep smell of wine and flowers present in the banquet hall. Jaejoong-hyung … Junsu begins awkwardly, his body tense; but he doesn’t care. I love you, always have; he wants to say, but his brain defied his wishes. Be happy, Su. Hyung will be here for you, always. He knows Junsu’s smiling blissfully in the crook of his shoulder now as he feels the other relax.
Thank you, Jaejoong-hyung … I’ve found my happiness with Yoochun … You must be happy too, with Yunho! Junsu’s cheery reply is a light breeze on his neck. He is instantly lightheaded as the younger man turns his head to press his warm lips to his cheek, a wild dream he has never dared to even think about. He is stunned, not noticing that he had released his hold on Junsu’s white suit jacket.
Wah … Jaejoong-hyung has such flawless skin, I’m envious, Junsu teases. Somewhere behind them, someone shouts for Junsu and he answers to the beckoning enthusiastically. Ah, Yoochun’s calling me, I have to go! See you around, Jaejoong-hyung! Thank you for coming! The last image he captures of Junsu is his dazzling smile and his eagerly-waving arm before he disappears into the crowd.
Jaejoong puts a hand to his cheek, to the spot where Junsu had kissed him. His fingers rub the place gently at first, then picks up speed until the side of his face is a bright pink and the other guests are shooting suspicious glances at him. Bowing his head, Jaejoong strides out of the ballroom hurriedly, into the dark, silent night where he can be left to his own thoughts in peace.
See you around, Junsu.
His new shoes make tip-tapping noises on the asphalt as his pace slows to a walk, echoing lonely around the empty spaces surrounding him. He wrenches his bowtie loose and it hangs limply from his neck, like a wounded beast with all the fight gone out of him. Jaejoong toys with the ticket in his pocket and wonders if he’ll meet another Kim Junsu in Paris.
Probably not.