justice my foot

Sep 14, 2005 17:46

so the wonders of being 18 include cigarettes, statutory rape, and gambling. the one thing camel tobacco DOESN'T try to exploit is the fact you MUST register for selective service.

so my position is skewed, and my interpretation of the key word "selective" was used in a different sense.

the text reads-
I just turned 18 and I would like to know why I have to register with
the Selective Service System if a) there is NO draft to be instituted
and b) it's NOT selective. Why is it called "selective" service, if
it's MANDATORY? Why, if the system already has all my proper i.d.,
doesn't selective services just automatically register me without my
consent? If my consent doesn't matter, that is to say.

Please show WHERE in the constitution it states that I have no right
to a) life (my decisions) b) liberty (your decisions) and c)
"property" or in your terms the "pursuit of happiness" (in this case
we'll call it money) which apparently I can BUY my way out of
selective services if I have $250,000. Sounds like blackmail if I've
ever heard it.

If you can clarify why the hell the government feels it necessary to
send out a draft call for a non-existent draft, in a military with
diminishing support, and a leader who can't tell terrorist from

Sincerely yours,
Cody Thompson

whether or not my points are valid, i decided i was pissed at the papers. not people. well, people for making the papers, but really, the literature pissed me off.

but uhhh

Dear Sir:

You are required, in compliance with Federal law (per the Military Selective Service Act), to register yourself, since you might be placing yourself in harm’s way, were a draft ever to be reinstated. Please carefully read the following provided information:

The mission of the Selective Service System is to:

o provide manpower to the Armed Forces in an emergency; and

o run an Alternative Service Program for men classified a conscientious objectors during a draft.

Selective Service would provide manpower to the military conducting a draft using a list of young men's names gathered through the Selective Service registration process. Virtually all young men ages 18 through 25 years residing in the U.S. (legally or undocumented) must register, in compliance with Federal law (per the Military Selective Service Act). Only if there is high compliance with this law, will a future draft be fair and equitable. The obligation of a man to register is imposed by the Military Selective Service Act, which establishes and governs the operations of the Selective Service System. The Alternative Service Program would provide public service work assignments in America's communities, in lieu of military service for men classified as conscientious objectors to all military service (either through religious convictions or moral ones).


Virtually all young men who are U.S. citizens and immigrant male aliens living in the U.S. (both documented and undocumented) between the ages of 18 through 25 years must register with Selective Service, in accordance with Federal law. Even men with handicaps, missing a limb, blind, etc., are required to register. There is no draft at present and therefore, no classifying being done. The last man was drafted in 1973, after which the U.S. converted to an all-volunteer military. However, Congress and the President still require men to register and the Selective Service System is kept in a standby status, just in case a future crisis necessitates a return to the draft. Only at that time would you receive an induction notice to report for mental, physical, and moral aptitude testing and being classified. By registering, a man complies with Federal law, and he also keeps himself eligible for programs and benefits Congress has connected to the registration requirement. A man must be registered “to stay eligible for” student loans and grants for college, most Federal and many state jobs, training under the Workforce Investment Act, and citizenship (if he is not yet an American citizen). Several states have also now passed State Legislation requiring a man to be registered in order to obtain a new or renew an old State Driver’s License, or obtain an Identification Card.


IF you are between the ages of 18 through 25 years and have a valid social security number, you may register on-line by visiting our web site: http://www.sss.gov, click on “Register on-line Now”, fill in the on-screen form that appears (using no punctuation), and click on “Submit.” If you have successfully registered and all your information matches our database, your Registration Number and date of registration will appear immediately. Print out this “official” on-line verification page to use as proof of your registration, until your new Registration Acknowledgment Card, listing you Registration Number, arrives in the mail within 4 to 6 weeks. When this card arrives, confirm that all the information listed is correct. Please keep this important document in a safe place, for future use throughout your life.

IF you should receive a message on-line that your information does not match or is not yet listed in our database, you MUST obtain a Selective Service mail-back registration card from any U.S. Post Office (or just use the registration reminder card you may have received in the mail), fill it out (leaving the spaces for your Social Security Number blank, if you have not yet obtained one), sign, and return to the address provided on the card. You will receive your new Registration Acknowledgment Card, listing your Registration Number, in the mail within 60 to 90 days, since these cards are processed in the order they are received. When this card arrives, confirm that all the information listed is correct. Please keep this important document in a safe place, for future use throughout your life.

First, there is currently no draft in effect. The Selective Service System remains in a standby, caretaker status. According to President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, the military is successful in attracting and retaining talented people in sufficient numbers.

IF Congress and the President were to reinstate the draft, the first lottery (drawn on a specific date) would include 19-year-old men turning 20 that calendar year and all 20-year-old men. If that failed to provide sufficient manpower, then 21-year-old men would be called for induction testing (mental, moral, and physical). Then the next lottery would again be for new 20 year olds. The older a man becomes who has not yet been called to report for induction, the less likely he will be drafted.

It’s important to know that even though he is registered, a man will not automatically be inducted into the military. In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. At that time, they would be examined for mental, physical and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces. They would also be eligible for any deferments, postponements, and exemptions available to all other registrants. A man would have the opportunity, at that time, to provide any necessary medical documentation needed for exemption.

A man would have the opportunity, at that time, to provide any necessary documentation (SSS Form 22, obtained AT THAT TIME, from your Area Office---established when a draft would be reinstated) for support as a Conscientious Objector status. You must be a member in good standing of a “peace” church that believes as one of these groups does, or provide “sufficient” proof that your moral convictions are against war and fighting in one.

Men are considered no longer draft eligible at age 26; for this to change, the United States Congress would have to amend the law.

Consequences of failing to register:

It is a felony to not register with the Selective Service System. A young man who fails to register may, if prosecuted and convicted, face a fine of up to $250,000, a sentence of up to 5 years in prison, or both. The Selective Service does turn over the names of men who fail to register to the Department of Justice. It is then the responsibility of the DoJ to determine whether or not to prosecute.

Men who are required to register, but who fail to do so are denied certain rights, benefits, and privileges under Federal law and many state laws. For example, they are ineligible for Federally-backed student loans and grants, most Federal jobs, and vocational training under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Nearly half the states have similar laws that link Selective Service registration with a man’s eligibility for state financial assistance, state jobs, or entry to state colleges and universities. More than one-half of the states have also now passed State Legislation requiring a man to be registered in order to obtain a new or renew an old State Driver’s License, or obtain an Identification Card.

At our web site: http://www.sss.gov, you may click on “Fast Facts” and go to any of the sites listed there of interest---such as “Who Must Register”, “Postponements, Deferments, and Exemptions”, “How the SS Would Return to Conscription”, “the SS Lottery”, “Conscientious Objection”, and “Alternative Service for Conscientious Objectors.” Also from the web page, you may wish to go to our web site, click on “Publications”, “Registration Literature”, and go to “Information for Registrants” Booklet for much more information on the “draft, classification, and appeals process.”

Thanks for writing, and I hope the above provided information proves helpful to your better understanding the registration requirement.

Janice L. Hughes

Office of Public & Intergovernmental Affairs

Selective Service System

they burned me.

welcome to adulthood, cody. they're only injustices to you and you alone, apparently.
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