Are you talking about their new "trenta" 31 ounce coffee? Or perhaps the fact that they allow customers to carry firearms in their stores in 43 states?
It isnt so much that they allow the gun carry thing (I support that as well), but how they handled the public was even more impressive.
It was basically, "Hey, keep us out of your political protests, we just follow the laws".
Many companies these days just fold to any public pressure and would immediately ban gun carry on their premises (which is merely panic management by ignorant fools).
Besides, its not the people that carry a gun with a permit that are the problem/dangerous people. It's all those fuckers who carry one because they are crooks in the first place that are the problem. And banning us legal people from doing it woldnt prevent them anyways.
Comments 3
Are you talking about their new "trenta" 31 ounce coffee? Or perhaps the fact that they allow customers to carry firearms in their stores in 43 states?
It was basically, "Hey, keep us out of your political protests, we just follow the laws".
Many companies these days just fold to any public pressure and would immediately ban gun carry on their premises (which is merely panic management by ignorant fools).
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