hey guys! i'm in a bitchin' mood today. YAH!!!
soo on friday i got suspended from work...
all kinds of shit went wrong last week for me at work so on friday morning i started getting all emotional to alicya (i think it was lack of sleep that night from coming home late from the concert) telling her shit like i don't mean to fuck up that i'm only human blah blah blah so she said that she's gonna suspend me, but for me to only take it as a day off, to clear my head, relax, and to think about what i want in my life and what i want for a career. i thought i was gonna lose my fucking job man!! but she's like "no dude, just take the day off..." so i'm right there crying with my suspension notice and was like "okie :(". the whole day i was freaked out about my suspension, i went to chino's that morning like at 8am, cried like a little bitch, ate some sopita, and crashed the fuck out. i REALLY need to learn to stop crying. i'm sooooo fucking sensitive i can't help it. i believe i have cried about 4 times at work. only 2 out of the 4 alicya has seen. haha i need to "LOK UP"
on thursday night was the concert with my good ol' buddy ol' chap V aka
you_love_vee man that concert was the fucking SSSSSSHHHHHEEEEEEIIIIIITTTTT!!! me and v were accompanied by little eddie and chino. the ride up was fucking funny, esp. the part being stuck in traffic, haha that shit was hilarious... guess you had to be there :) anyway i can't wait until no doubt or gwen come out with a new album
i'm going to start going to jaques n' jills again so i can firm my fatass up. i really need to lose fucking weight. i don't wanna be skinny tho, hell no, i wanna be "thick"... like mia tyler...
lmfao @ that pic. hey she's still 51985706148571 lbs lighter then me, so fuck it.