guessss what? Canada picture post has arrived!!! *you've got mail!*
Delta Chelsea our awesomely cute hotel
entrance from Gerrard St:
view of the front section"
one of the many inside lobbies:
exit to Gerrard St:
the cafeteria style eating restaurant:
the gift shop in the hotel "Piccadilly Place." I had to take a pic cause of the word 'Piccadilly'
Chef in one of our hotel lobbies:
Our room (sorry its messy! it was taken as we were gettin ready to leave):
Downtown Toronto random pics from all over downtown
my sis made me take this pic of Xtina...i dont know why!
Canadian Idol!
cool billboard:
Hard Rock Cafe!
guy who could draw REALLY well:
you know I had to go in Urban Outfitters cause Kelly shops there!!
awesomely huge place!
City Hall:
Statue of Liberty holding a tomato...rofl!
choo choo
you gotta get on these bad boys fast!
Rogers Center baseball/football stadium (view from the Hard Rock Cafe lol)
CN Tower
the CN tower is the tall thing on the left:
I should have taken a video as we were going up in the elevator to get to the was sooo freaky!!! you just kept going higher, and higher, and higher and omg!!! you could see outside from in the elevator and it was scary!!! the buildings kept getting smaller and smaller!!'s some views from up in the tower:
you could go outside up at the top and walk around. It was sooo windy up there!!! and it was hard to take pics through the screens and stuff!
Facts on how high it is:
Lightning strikes the tower and average of 75 times per year!
There was also a glass floor up there that you could walk on!! There were so many people on it though, and people we layin on it and such, so it was hard to find a space on it!
Harbourfront Centre this was an area at the waterfront of Lake Ontario. There was a festival going on!
The festival was called FROMthePEG! and there were bands playin there!! Here's the one that was playin while we were there. They were called "The Waking Eyes" and they were pretty good!!! Haha my sis found them on myspace rofl
My sis and I:
Everytime you enter a new area on the highway in Canada, there is a sign that tells the population of the people in that area! haha
Check out the Canadian road signs! They don't use miles there...they use you look at a sign and it says 199 and you're like OMG 199 MILES??!!! But its not really that far!! haha, cause its not miles!
border back into the US:
phew! now that you've all been pictured to death, i'm out!!
psst: Dezdennn now its your turn!! get writing your Kelly review!! :P