Aug 01, 2004 22:06


DRiVE AR0UND: mmm.. i think i woke up around 11. and after my daddie cut the grass in the backyard and showered, we (my dad, little brother long and me) drove by the cowboys camp place to see what was crackin' over there! 8D ...only.. nothing seemed to be. o_o;; (we later find out from the newspaper that we went at the wrong time, LOL) some cars were there.. but not a lot. our intention was to go and actually SEE and possibly meet the dallas cowboys team buuuut.. they were on break or something! so then we drove around! ..umm stopped by Alstate (Allstate? o.o;;) insurance to see if we can add me on! but it was closed. LOL. and daddie drove on over to the beach and i got out to buy some french fries! anf fish and chips. lol! it was about $19 total. :x mmm, those beach fries are SUPER good! :9!!! we ate back at home. :p and stayed at home for awhile.

PET ST0RE!: we went over to the pet store because my dadie's pigeon friends had no more seeds to eat. lol!! (he really likes his pigeons :D) this time we went to PETsMART instead of PETCO. i guess we saw the PETCO pets too many time already. lol! at PETsMART i saw some mice, rats, cute little chubby female famsters (i REALLY want one but i can't :( can't take it along to college.. *BIG sigh*), bearded dragons!, a round toad o_o, kitties!, and lots of fishies. after looking around at the pets we bought this huge bag of wild bird feed for the pigeons! :D so they can be fat and happy. it was like.. $13-$14. then after this pet store trip we went driving around back at the cowboys camp! LOL! and there were MORE people.. but we couldn't see what was going on.. so we turned back towards home. and my daddie asked me if i still wanted to go over to moreno valley to visit my cousins. and i was like "YEAH! are you serious?!" :) and he said if i really wanted to go he'd take me on over. so wen we got home i went online and IMed bao lots and lots of times O_O;; i wanted to know if anyone was home or if it was even ok. waited too long :T bao was probably playing games and didn't know i was IMing him. so my daddie let me call my uncle's cell. and i was like "HELLO? is bao over there?" and he was like "WHAT? this is not bao's phone! *laughs*" LOL, and yeah. so i asked him if it was OK if i headed over to riverside to just.. hang out. and he said "yeah of course! you're always welcome!" haha!! so i told my daddie and i got ready and all that. la-la-laa :D!!! and i was so excited that i forgot like.. a towel? and my deoderant!! :x!!!! LOL.

R0AD TRiP T0 M0REN0 VALLEY!: did i ever mention i love being on the freeway? ;D!!! LOL. yeeeah! it's tOo cOoL! hmm.. yeah. my little brother fell asleep QUICK. o_O;; so my daddie and i were just.. talking! yeah, about like vietnam and stuff. careers. how people are. all that kind of stuff! :]!! we hit traffic near northridge. near the.. 5 freeway. and.. somewhere else too. i saw another blue rsx-s on the freeway. :D yeah yeah, even if i have that, doesn't matter!; i still get all happy inside wen i see another one! ^^;; i also saw 2 silver rsx's. :) i also saw a man picking his nose!!! i'm not even lying X____X!!! i glanced over to te right and he was like.. just digging in there as if it was nothing! o_O!!! i guess he had to keep himself entertained since he as driving alone. :O what else.. hmm.. we listened to this oldies radio station. my daddie was having fun with that. imitating the beats and sounds in the songs with his voice. LOL!!! every time he does something like that, it's freakin' funny! >D!!!! and lalalalala!!! more time passes. aaaand we finally make it to my cousins' house! ^^!!!!! it took us about 2 hours and 20 minutes.

FUN WiTH THE C0USiNS + TW0 ADDiTi0NAL KiDS! (adam and berto, lmao): :]!!!!!!! i rang the doorbell wen i got out. lol! i was all hopping to the front door. then i hear some.. noises i thought were screams? but i didn't know if it came from inside. :x! then kim opens the door and i see linh (chibichan25) too!, and we all just screamed and hugged and jumped up and down. lolol!!! ^____^!! GOOD START! and yeah. kim carried my bag inside. and i run inside the house. and i see bao!! :) yayayayayy~

then doan and his friends come a little after i arrived here. bao asked me if i wanted to go play tennis. and i was like "cool!! okay!" and yeah. waited for adam to come by. and wen he did. i hid behind bao's chair next to cousin doan's bed. LOL. and yeah adam didn't see me right?! and after awhile i started to like.. tilt my head to the right so it'd become visible. but adam STILL didn't see! so i started laughing and he looked down startled and said "OH SHYT i thought you were a dog or something!" lolol!! GOOF. :B! aaand yeah. after a bit we walked over to the park. it's really close by. i found some um.. thin orange construction cone things.. and i dragged one into the middle of the street! ():x!!!

hmm.. we got to the park area. suddenly kim and linh were like "who's that person? is it berto (berto82259)?!" but i didn't like.. see anyone? (my eyes are that bad without glasses at night i guess!) X_____X!!! so i stayed behind with bao and adam. and then we enter the tennis courts! LOL. bao and i were like.. hitting around. bao kept hitting the ball hard and i was scared and i'd like squeal and run away from it or "try" to hit it back. lol! :D it was fun. i got all tired quick! o_o!!! and stuff.

then like kim, linh, berto and adam went to the playground area.. bao and i go there after. i hopped on the swings! wheeeeeee~ and later went to the slides and stuff. kim, linh and i went down the slide TOGETHER! * lol! and after some fun (like kicking berto and running >:] tee-hee-hee), bao and i kinda' walked around. i lied down on a table/bench thing because deng, i was all tired! LOL, like i was all dehydrated. and bao and i walk around some more. ended up at this fountain thing that doesn't work at night. we read this sign with a bunch of things you can't do there. LOL. they had some STUPID stuff on there! i'll post a picture of it later. then we started walking home. i kicked some trees and ran? :x!!! and made bao do it too! LOL!! some peer pressure huh? >D!! aaand i ran and kicked some other stuff. bounced off the stuff and ran away! >:]!!! and said some random things too n.n;; like "orale vato wei!!" lol! then we passed by that area with the thin orange construction cones! O_O!!!! i ran over to them, dragged then threw out another one in the street, and kicked one that fell over! lmao!! it was so funny wen i kicked it because it went in a circle! like a "skip-it" thing! lolol!! SO COOL. >D!!!! did some more random things (i was extremely hyper; leave me alone!! :x)and ended up at home!

um chilled for a bit! o_O;; i forgot what we did? OH!! i annoyed cousin doan of course! :p stood at doan's door, said hi to him, then started breathing insanely and scary. LOL! he gave me this scared/WTF look. >D!!! fun!! aaand.. trapped bao in the corner! :x smOoshed him in there! aaaand kim, linh and i had a quickie "FAMILY FUNTIME!" on this plastic chair! lmao! oOoOooo ~.^!! then umm.. we were off! to eat! at denny's!

AT DENNY'S: sOoOo we get to the denny's. ALL IN ADAM'S CAR! 8D we cheddar-packed his 626 and his car basically dragged us all there :p FUN DRIVE IN THE CAR. "what? there are 16 denny's? ..what? people play 16 at denny's?" >D!!!! wen we got there i was.. scanning the parking lot i guess? 'cause i spotted out this celica! o_O!! and i thought it was a GT-S but it was.. something else! i've never heard of it. it looked pretty nice! :) walked on over to denny's. saw this corolla that was all jacked up and ugly! o_o!!! showed berto and took a picture of it. LOL! went inside denny's. adam put his name down on the wait list crap or whatever. bao and i go back outside to check out if there's any more cOoL stuff in the parking lot! :B i went back to that celica and took a picture of it (one front view one back view) ^___^!! we saw this desert-silver rsx :I aaand.. that was basically it! besides like.. mustangs and all that. >___>;; no biggie! we head on back to the denny's place. went inside. *cough* attempted to draw on.. this one poster. :x!!! but FAILED! bOoOoOo; at least i left a curly scratch! 8D!! hmm.. kim was trying to get a toy from that claw machine. aww, i saw this super cool POODLE! with clothes on! :'[!!! but it was too hard to get. dammit! >(o_O;; is that my first mad/constipated face in this entry?!)

then we FINALLY get called for a seat! like bao said, STOP DISCRIMINATING US! lol. n.n;; umm sat down and looked at the menu. this waitress lady named loraine came by and asked what we all wanted to drink. hmm.. it was like.. 3-4 glasses of water? a strawberry milkshake (BAO!) and i think berto got lemonade. then she leaves and later comes back.. ordered a.. bacon cheddar burger? lmao. sounds all FUNNY! got bao a double cheeseburger :x! so i'm all sitting there hyped up about food right?! i was REALLY hungry.. and what happens?! THE FOOD COMES OUT like.. YEARS LATER!! >:[!!!! wen i'm hungry; i'm HUNGRY! get that straight! *barks at ppl* >:O!!! and blah.. talktalktalktalk. watched bao get happy with his strawberry milkshake. LOL. i got bored! ..and didn't think i'd drink my glass of water ('cause i was gunna get boba after) and i dumped a pack of sugar into my cup! and everyone started laughing hysterically because i guess bao was gunna drink it and wen he saw me dump the sugar in he was SHOCKED! lolol!!! good times! >D!!! funny stuff. a bunch bunch bunch minutes LATER (it was already 11:00PM!), we get out food! o_O;; well linh got her stuffs first. she got some desserts. LOL. and yeah! wen the food came i was thinking in my head "oooh hell yes!!" lmao! ate!!! :x and i could have finished the whole thing myself! n.n;; i guess that's how hungry i was. towards my last bites i halfed the thing with bao :D i told him "here eat this, bitch!" lol, so mean but :x!!! random? x.x!! but hey, HE ATE IT! lol. and i ended up being thirstyyyy.. so i drank that.. glass of water of mine with the sugar. LOL. didn't taste the sugar though! since bao and i were done.. we.. mixed some stuff? let's see: he had this extra milkshake tin cup thing.. and he accidently dropped a tomato in there right?! so i added to it! some lettuce! water! pepper! salt! ketchup! mustard! x.X!! NASTY COMBINATION. i think linh took a sip from it.. *shivers*

bao and i left because we were finished. headed over to the lollicup boba place. got my daddie a peach snow! :9 i didn't get one for myself, lol. decided not to! kim, linh, adam and berto came a little after we did. chilled til i got my daddie's drink and we jammed! lol. adam got some gas. went back to kim, bao and linh's house. chilled some more! (bao went off to sleep early; food makes him sleepy LOL) adam drew me a picture on my laptop! lmao!! sOoOOOo funnily cOoL! will post later also :p hmm.. watched some "kerrigan" flash movies on linh's laptop; looked over my gunbound pictures (*aww* wen berto's sad dragon came up lol!). it was already SUNDAY! midnight! :o and like at 1:24AM adam had to get going so berto left with him. all went downstairs to say bye! and i said "oOoOo FAMILY FUNTIME!" and kim and linh were like "oOoOoOo!!" lol!!! >D!!

kim went off to sleep cause she was dead tired. changed into my PJs! and basically stayed up talking to linh! until 2:00-2:SOMETHING in the morning :p!!! knocked out! don't even remember how, lol! but before i did knock out.. i gave linh's leg/knee a little touchie ;] oOoOooo!! lol! JUST THOUGHT I'D ADD THAT IN JUST FOR YOU, BERTO! :p!!!


MORNiNG!!: woke up at 7!! went back to sleep. woke up a little later because my underarm was sore! ..went back to sleep. wake up and jump up immediately. o_O;; i DON'T know why it was like that! lol!! grabbed my stuff and went out of linh's room :x see bao playing .hack! aaaand talk to him for a bit. went to brush my teeth. asked bao for a towel. LOL. showered! :] i like how the water pressure feels now n.n;; first time i got in a shower like that i was like "..?!?! IT'S SOFT PRESSURE!!" lol! it felt COOL. O_O! so i stood in there a little longer than what i should have, maybe. >D!!! and got done showering! hopped out and talked to bao a bit. ;x decided to go into's kim's room.. i interrupted her sleep x.X but i was that stupid to lie down on her bed and go on my laptop. lol!! but i later left! :x bao was in doan's room playing a computer game. spongebob was on TV. lol! and bao and i were discussing "ah! my leg!!" lolol COOL PHRASE. :p aaand then linh woke up! and we ate some weenies! lmao! haha, hey that little canned weener stuff is good stuff!!! :)!!!!!! hmm.. after that just kinda' chilled and sat around.

MALL!: yeah we went there because i wanted to go to their hello kitty store! ^^!!! in search of that SUPER COOL BAGS i want! O_O!!! like i didn't see it wen i saw the sanrio store.. so i was a little bummed. just a LITTLE. :o and linh and i just go inside and look at stuff. then on the way out, i saw TWO OF THE THREE bags! O_O!!!! COOL!! ..but i didn't buy it. 'cause if i did.. i wouldn't be able to buy anything else! :( so then why the hell did i go look for it?! *dumb ass* u.u;; but hey! they're super cOoL still and i WILL find a way to get them! n.n;; such motivation, eh?

linh and i were heading over to cartoon field wen she got pulled over by a lady with a clipboard. o.o; (oOooo scarrryyyyy, lmao) so i went along into cartoon field WITHOUT linh! :I we needed our space. lol!!! jk. couldn't find bao! >:[ ..but then.. he was standing like.. at the counter of the register! HOW COULD I NOT SEE BAO?! >we found some super cheap stuff in wet seal! lolol!!! CHEAP IS COOL! 8D!!! but couldn't beat linh's cheapness! :x her skirt was $2.60 WITH tax! LOL!!! i still think it's funny! WOW, cheap!!! :]!!! i just got three plain colored shirts. $4 each! lol! hmm.. and then we went over to claire's so linh can look at accessories! adam and kim came in a bit after we did. i wandered off a bit because i felt all stuffy inside claire's X_X!! took a picture of "CHAMP'S" because i saw a jordan symbol :]!! wheeee. aaand then we headed back over to the arcade because that's where bao was. mmm i went with linh to the arcade for a little bit then decided to go off to find adam and kim because, well, FOOD! :9!!!

found them at this.. steak and potato place? forgot the name! snuck up behind them >:]!!! YES. waited for their order, sat down, ate some of adam's fries! :x we were all talking about like.. politics! WOW, adam got REALLY into it! such knowledge and strong opinions. that's cool! he KNOWS stuff. lol! 8D!!! hmm.. then after the food was gone we went back to the arcade.

PARACHUTES!!!: found linh and bao. and sat on linh! ;] OH YES. hmm.. linh and bao were at this table where people were playing with yu-gi-oh cards or something. lol. and i found this machine with these "PARACHUTE" toys with mickey, minnie, goofy, pluto, donald, and daisy as the passenger rider/parachute user person!!!! O____O!!!!!! i've been looking for these parachute thingies for a looong time!! i remember my little brother had like, rainbow parachutes. lol. ^^!!! so i just HAD to get some! first one i got was a donald (o_O;; did adam really guess it on his own or he saw the blue?!). second one i got was minnie! :D third one i got was donald again so i decided to QUIT! and i wanted to try out the parachutes so that second donald is MINE! i'll give the other two to kr :D 'cause i'm GENEROUS! *evil laugh* then played some DDR with bao! n.n;; it was fun! yeah i can be retarded if i like because it's not my city! wOooOo!! :O! mmm yeah! it gave me a workout? my quads were hurting/sore?! WTF?! x.X!!! and then we left!

mMmMm.. some B0BALiCiOUS anyone?!: kim and adam "raced" to this boba place called B0BALiCi0US. LOL, pretty coooool haha. KIM WINS with her nice style of driving through the parking lot! lol. i got strawberry mango swirl and got my dad a passionfruit fruit slush. i even have a picture of all the boba drinks we bought! ^^ post that later too. oOOoo, i found this red white board marker and 2 pennies so I TOOK THEM! >:] LOL. then we leave; say bye to adam. go our way back home. kim didn't like hers and gave it to bao. lol! aaand yeah. back at their house again. daddie tells me we're gunna leave soon. u_u;; bOoOooo!! so i'm just like.. chillen. talking to bao and later to kim and linh. conversation got a little more serious than the usual talk! :x!!! then i had to go :I put my stuffs in my car. linh and kim kept carrying me back into the house or up the stairs. lolol!!! COOL STUFF! :O they even tried to stuff me in this closet! X__X!!! lol. then i left :[ waved good-bye and all that sad drama. (left at like 6:00PM)

BACK 0N THE FREEWAY: basically the ride back home was kinda'.. quiet o_o;; i was sleepy/tired and didn't have much to say. aaand yeah. >_>;; i like the freeway though. LOL. hmm.. there were a lot of ripped up tires on the road! o___O!!! stupid ugly tires! not much traffic on the way home. but there was maaaad traffic a little passed northridge. some kind of accident happened. like i saw 2 big rigs with car gas and 2 other big rigs (one said "Ralph's" LOL). i wonder what happened. but daddie said "WOW all lanes blocked!" and all i could say was "deeeng that suuuucks!!" 'cause hell yeah it did! a bunch of cars were sitting ducks in a longlonglonglonglonglooooonnngg liiine x.x!!! that's not even FUN! very frustrating. and my daddie saw these cars that were exiting to the freeway and they were STUCK also. lol! and yeah. we were amazed at how much traffic those big rigs caused. i still wanna know what happened o.o;; an yaddayaddayadda. we make it home in TWO HOURS AND 20 MINUTES. just like the time it took to get to moreno valley!

and here i am at home u___u;; typing up MY WHOLE WEEKEND!!! wow so much work! i tried to think back to like every single little detail i enjoyed! :x!!! LOL. now i wonder what i'll do... but anyway, i had lots and lots of fun these two days. :]!!! ty kim, bao, linh, adam and berto for the fun!! 8D!!! you guys are super COOL.<3

3,667 W0RDS ACC0RDiNG T0 MiCR0S0FT W0RD! :O!!! i think this is the longest one YET!
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