Okay, in the front row we have from left to right;
Jason White, Mikella Gale...[I cant spell her name], I forget who that is, Justin Anderson, Jordan Leblanc, Rose Harretha, Mitchell Brown, Alisha Glogowski.
Second Row:
Shelden MacDonald, Haley Power [ME!], Megan Cox, Heather MacAskill,Ashleyyy...Arg I cant remember her last name haha, Shawn [Dunkin] MacLean.
Third Row:
Aaron Gale, Jennisa something or other, Brandon Day, Chelsea Reid, Mark Penny, Kassandra Jabalee, Victoria..., Tiffany MacNeil and The wonderful Mrs.Bown.
In this Picture From left to Right
Front Row:
Mikella Gale, Victoria.., Alisha Glogowski, Sheldon MacDonald, That one I forget, Tiffany MacNeil, Mitchell Brown.
Second Row:
Haley Power [ME AGAIN!], Megan Cox, Jason White, Aaron Gale, Shawn [Dunkin] MacLean, Justin Anderson.
Thrid Row:
Mrs.Bown, Heather MacAskill, Mark Penny, Jennisa.., Brandon Day, Chelsea Reid, Ashley forget her last name, Kassandra Jabalee.
Flash back to the first year of schooL.
Frig we're adorible.
Aren't we Cute!?
This has to be the best two pictures, ever haha.