Wed, 17:52: RT @ DrSamuelJohnson: #Brexit simply continues Britain's glorious History of Mob-Verdicts, from the Gordon Riots & Monkey-Hanging to Mister…
Wed, 17:56: RT @ SoVeryBritish: Other things Britain plans on exiting: - Christmas - Sandwiches - Going "wheeeey!" when someone drops something - Bright…
Sun, 18:49: RT @ VancityReynolds: Being a father means responsibility. Not just for your main family, but also the secret one in Denmark nobody knows ab…
Fri, 15:35: RT @ thehistoryguy: Vile UKIP campaign is a precise copy of Nazi hate propaganda. A national disgrace. Good work from @ brendanjharkin. http…
Fri, 11:23: RT @ sunny_hundal: BTW, this shows Syrian refugees (escaping ISIS) going from Slovenia into Croatia, not the UK. We have border control http…
Fri, 11:24: RT @ GabbyGiffords: Absolutely sickened to hear of the assassination of Jo Cox. She was young, courageous, and hardworking. A rising star, m…