Jan 28, 2016 20:18
Even though the year is 2016 and we are all aspiring information professionals engaged in an exclusively online curriculum, many of my classmates act as though it were 1996 and the Internet were still a novelty. On introducing themselves, they say things like "Nice to 'meet' you!" If you have already been in a class with them before, they say, "Good to 'see' you again!" It's as if any transaction that takes place over the Internet isn't real to them. Are they shocked every time a physical box from Amazon arrives at their doorstep (my goodness, a "package!"), or have they not yet ventured into the heady waters of online shopping?
At any rate, spare me you air quotes, people.
Or maybe I should just embrace it. The next time I have to introduce myself, perhaps I'll go, "A/S/L? Nice to digitally 'meet' you--or is it virtually? Ooh, I've got 'mail!' Better start working on my 'paper!' Don't want to flunk the 'exam!' LOL :)"
grad school