I don't vote. I enjoy that I have the freedom to chose to or not. Someone forcing me to vote is the same thing in my eyes as someone preventing me from doing it.
I don't do hope, I don't do optimisim. I don't think that this is really going to change anything. The President is a figure head for a unseen mob of people and until they change there really isn't anything that is going to really change. I would rather be suprised than disapointed. There is the darker side of me that wonders how long till the assassins strike and we get another tragic kennedy-like historical foot note in text books.
I am glad that the death with diginty is passing. People of a sound mind should be allowed to kill themselves. The truest test of free will is to be able to deside to kill yourself. Now as a person who has fought with depression most of my life I have never thought it was the right choice for me.
I hope that this will make changes, but as a person who watches the masses of humanity every day at work.
The biggest thing I hope is that I am wrong.