Yes, someone has set me off. I saw what you wrote. This elitist crap is getting very old and tiresome. This thinking most of us peons don't GET IT and you and/or those you hold sacred hold all the keys and answers to this supposedly ever elusive IT to get.
And stop dumping on everyone else with your boring propaganda. Really, it is childish to continuously preach so negatively THE RIGHT WAY TO GET IT. It's your way. Good for you. It is not for all of us. Stop trying to make people get whatever it is you think you get in such a negative manner. The ones who wish your version of IT will seek you out and relate. They will. Really. No need to take shots at people over it all. You are not owed any special compensation for your version of IT, however. And this is why I have had a problem with this group who feel this way in my local area. I've been here a long, long time. I've seen you. I know what people do and don't do. I have no respect for those who profess so much and expect so much from a community in turn when very little to nothing has really been put out as far as the back breaking work goes. NO, you have not ever been there for that. Only in small amounts that make a hill of beans in the scheme of things. You're damn right I have a chip on my shoulder. You might talk a big talk in the outer communities but you only want the spotlight here, not the real work. Here we know. And while some won't ever speak on it, I will. Shame on you. Seriously. Honor? I think the hell not!
When did you last scrub a toilet at the local community's club you claim doesn't embrace you and your special community? When , if ever, did you do it, without being solicited? Or was it only the spotlight you sought? Honestly. Yeah...Honesty. Imagine me daring to ask you. Community? Try it for years on end when you are NOT in the spotlight of some greater community that makes the home grown one look so woefully lacking in sacred magnitude.
When you (Do you really think you're so subtle) bitch slap a friend of mine who has scrubbed toilets, worked to make ALL of our differences as cohesive as possible and everything else for years on end because you feel you were not treated special, I get pissed off. I KNOW who does what and has for years and it was never you. Well, not out of the spotlight, anyway. There are several of you who think because they did a few things here and there, they should be recognized and treated with some special deference. We have our own little history and for the life of me I can't recall most of you doing much of the hard-ass-bust-your-ass-nerve racking-dump-all-over-me-shit-can-I-make-the-rent-this-month-what-about-utilities-are-the-sheets-laundered-are-the-dishes-done-is-the-building-full-of-mice-again-are-the-carpets-vacuumed-am-I-being-dumped-on-yet-again-because-I-can't-make-every one-happy-and-is-the-0-amount-of-money-and-apparent-lack-of-understanding-what-a-HUGE-responsibility-for-all-of-this-really-worth-it. YOU didn't sweat your ass off to hold this all together. No, You most often rode the coat tails of those who did and then held your noses up at the rest of us unworthy heathens.
And We most certainly do have all kinds in our community. For cripes sake, have you ever truly paid attention to the variety of kinks and individuals that pass through those doors? Too many to even count. How dare you belittle that, and worse, attempt to negate those wonderfully varied individuals in the community as not being pansexual enough according to your elitist definitions. And do all these individuals think their special brand of whatever it is they do, are into (Even if it is 'just bedroom kink"), or philosophize about expect to be treated special? Nope...We just all go there and meld. So who the hell are you?
She can't bitch slap you back. I can. Because I don't care how you view me and my thoughts. SHE is more of what honor, integrity, dignity, and leadership is supposed to be than any of you put together. SHE has done the back breaking, tear jerking work. She's taken all the punches. She grew. She grew by leaps and bounds while many spewed tired old words and ideas that were not even their own. She committed herself to the Baton Rouge Community. She didn't give her soul over to any one sect. She gave herself to R.S.V.P. SHE deserves so much more than your trivial whining about only ONE aspect of who or what some of us are. And most of us are simply that- simply us- not any one thing. She's so much smarter than you for realizing we are that varied and not focusing our gateway community on leather, or rubber, or swinging, or bedroom sex, or chastity, or whatever else we all are, do, are into and hold sacred.
How dare you badmouth a community (And thus its leader) because it does not cater to your choices, kink, philosophy, etc. We are far too varied to be boxed in by your tunneled-vision version/definitions of how things should be and are. History? She has history. You don't. Her legacy will live on long after you've faded away into whatever else you've deemed bigger, better and newest thing to embrace. SHE earned every bit of respect (And that leather) as a leader of R.S.V.P. she has and then some. How about those apples!
And more of us know it than you will ever realize. We know how little you really are and do. We Know.
And since my opinion matters about as much as yours and even more in my mind, I say
Hey, and while I'm ranting, next time, if you naysayers ever show again, pick up your crap (This includes, food plates, drink cups, furniture moved around and left out of place, etc. etc., etc.)at the facility. If you see someone elses garbage, hey, pick it up as well. Or do you think that pitiful amount of money pays for maid service as well? Oh if people only really knew how little you all really do (And have ever done) in your lowly, mere BDSM communities you expect to embrace you .
They'd shame you, too.