We were on our way to L.S.U. . Donna wanted a Dr. Pepper. so we stopped at the Chevron station across from the Frostop on the corner of Government and St. Ferdinand Street.
"Robin!! Back up, back up! I need to see if I saw what I think I saw!" So I back up a bit (Traveling backwards now - paralleling the front of the building until we reach the corner)We both look over to your right. On the ground is a man, fully clothed, except his fly is open and his genitals are obviously exposed. A friend? of his is sitting near him in a wheelchair. We can hear "Dan. Wake up. Wake up Dan. " The only clue he is alive is a slight twitch or annoyance on occasion from the prone guy.
We discuss being THAT drunk in public. I decide he probably wanted to relieve himself, then passed out before he finished or something. Then we head out to L.S.U. About an hour or so later we're done with the business at hand so I say, let's see if Dan is still there and as exposed in broad daylight (It was 1:00 pm by this time).
He is.
Pink as ever.
Wheelchair friend? is nodding in and out beside him...
I had to do it. One can not let that go, so I snapped a picture.
I cropped enough friend's? face is out of the picture...
Drunk in public antics
Click to zoom in. His eyes actually flickered open our second trip to see him. He was alive and...Drunk.
And no, I wasn't going to approach to help. Downtown Baton Rouge. Drunks. With dicks out. Not my calling...