May 19, 2008 15:30

I'm used to coffee shops "fitting in", sometimes so embedded in the neighborhood that i miss them entirely. Global Gallery is impossible to miss, being the only modernly-decorated shop amid the traditional housing and businesses of German Village. Which will come as no surprise to those familiar with the comparative unpopularity of coffee in Germany itself, and the subsequent disinterest in German-run coffee shops elsewhere (e.g. Columbus). One of the things i like most about this place is the quirky music. Either this is a reggae day or someone's personal collection is impressively diverse within a rather poorly-known genre and proud of it. I've heard reggaefications of "Here Comes the Sun" and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", and the apparently original piece playing now seems to ride a Nintendo beat bed. Cute.

My newest discovery towards my swelling propensity to travel is Wikitravel, the anyone-can-edit travel brochure that will now be the second source i check for things to see and do each trip (after the area couchsufers, and maybe the occasional hotel breakfast guru. That woman was the real-life / modern-day equivalent of the cave-bound old ladies in The Legend of Zelda).

Next month's talk is panning out slowly. As a recurring example i'm wanting to use a single Young diagram (which, of course, happens to conveniently be a k-core as well, for a sufficiently illustrative value of k) which will act as cookie-cutter in all four settings leading up to and including our matrix affine Schubert varieties. My concern is that this will inspire from some audience member the natural question "What if you apply this affine construction to a non-k-core diagram?", which was originally a question of Lam's, and the answer to which we know only set-theoretically and don't want to encourage people to pursue since i'm hoping to derive it and include it in my t****s as a nod to Thomas (and, i admit, for publicity). Blah.

By the way, does anyone have a suggestion of name for the preimage of Ω when i denote by Y the preimage of X? That is, for the SAT-familiars, complete the analogy question, "X:Y::Ω:__".

So i had sausage today, and lots of it. ^_^ While not the best part of the trip (that distinction goes to my company), it has certainly been the most filling. (Sadly, this time around, the better i knew a band in advance, the less i enjoyed their show. I will be looking up Seether as soon as i return to the world of broadband, for one of their songs absolutely seduced me, and their sound was among the best at Rock on the Range. I also now understand a certain friend's obsession (or at least fanaticism) over STP (no hyperlink required ^_^).
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