1.First best friend: Heather Wilson
2.First car: mmm
3.First real kiss: yahh none that really meant anything..
4.First break-up: ohh lord lmao
5.First screen: clynn2007? idk
6.First self-purchased album: Nsync or BSB
7.First funeral: My grandpas:-[
8.First pets: my dog.....sandy
9.First piercing/Tattoos: ears
10.First credit card: none yett
12.First enemy: hmm..prolly stupid lil kids down the street
13.First big trip: umMm..Oklahoma when i was 6 weeks old:-x i went cow tipping
1.Last cigarette: never
2.Last car ride: like 5 hours ago
3.Last kiss: awhile ago
4.Last good cry: a week ago
5.Last library book checked out: Flags of our Fathers
6.Last movie seen in theatres: Hitch
7.Last beverage drank: Diet Pepsi
8.Last food consumed: umm...Potatoes
9.Last crush: Taylor
10.Last phone call: 2 hours ago
11.Last time showered: last night:)
12.Last shoes worn: Tennisshoes
13.Last item bought: a pop...well i didnt really buy it they gave it to me?
14.Last annoyance: my sister
15.Last time wanting to die: like a week ago
16.Last time scolded: like 14 years ago
1.Who are your best friends?: Dijana n CHels
2.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
1.Where is your favorite place to shop? Target or Kohls or JcPennys lmfao:) imma bargin shopper
2.Any tattoos or piercing?:ears
1.Do you do drugs? no
2.What kind of shampoo do you use? Idk stuff fromthe salon or Dove
3.What are you most scared of? dtying
4.What are you listening to right now? tv
5.Where do you want to get married? On the beach
6.How many buddies are online? 109
7.What would you change about yourself? i wish i was more emotionally stable:-x
1.Color: pink or red
2.Food: pizza
3.Girls Names: Mackenzie or Alyssa or Allison or oh wow i just love names
4.Boys Names: Matthew or Michael or Taylor or Jason or Andrew yep..the list goes on
5.Subjects: Math or Lunch:)
6.Animals: Monkeys
7.Sports: vball bball swimming gymnastics dancing
Have you ever?
given anyone a bath? my baby cousin
2.Smoked? no
4.Made yourself throw up? yep
5.Skinny-dipped? yah
6.Been in love? yes
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yes
8.Pictured your crush naked? mwhaha
9.Seen your crush naked? heheheeeeeeeehaaaaa
10.Cried when someone died? yep
11.Lied? yea
12.Fallen for your best friend? yahhhhh
13.Been rejected? oh yah
14.Rejected someone? yes
15.Used someone? nope
16.Done something you regret? yah
1.Clothes? sweat pants n a sweat shirt
2.Music? none
3.Make-up? none
4.Annoyance? none
5.Smell? well i just farted:)
6.Favorite artist? hmm..im def. feeling Nsync n Bsb n Spice Girls......with a side of Hanson
7.Desktop picture? Umm random pix of the swim team n friends
8.Book your reading? Flags of our Fathers
.Cd in player? Country
10.Dvd in player? Sound of Music
11.Color of toenails? pinkish purple
1.You touched? prolly rj--------this afternoon
2.Hugged? andrew
3.You imed? uh...no1
4.You kissed? ughh...i forgot lol
1.Understanding? yeah
2.Open-minded? usually
3.Arrogant? not usually
4.Insecure? yah
5.Interesting? lol
6.Hungry? no
7.Smart? ina way
8.Moody? no not in public
9.Hardworking? no not anymore
10.Organized? nooooooo
11.Healthy? lmfao?
12.Shy? meeeeee? no
13.Attractive? i guesss
14.Bored easily? yes
15.Responsible? sureeeee
17.Angry? yes
18.Sad? kinda
19.Disapointed? kinda
20.Happy? kinda
21.Hyper? not at all
22.Trusting? yes
23.Talkative? god yes
24.Legal? no im illegal baby
1.Kill?: no1
2.Slap?: no1
3.Get high with?: no one
4.Look like?: Jessica Simpson or Britney Spears....because i thnk their so pretty lol
5.Talk to offline?: a certain some1
6.Talk to online?: everyone
7.Hang out with?: Mott People:-[
1.In the morning I am: sleepy
2.All I need is: a vacation
3.Love is: wondeful
4.I dream about: random things
1.Coke or Pepsi:pepsi
2.Flowers or Candy: flowers
3.Tall or short: tall
4.Liquor or beer? liquor
1.What do you notice first: eyes and teeth
.Last person you danced with: kyle
.Worst question to ask me: retarded ones
4.Who makes you laugh the most?: dijana or terese
5.Who makes you smile: my friends or stupid people in the halls or people who pick their nose when their driving
6.Who gives you a funny feeling: like butterflies?
Who do you have a crush on: taylor n andrew lmfao :-x
8.Who has a crush on you: im not sure?
1.Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: yah
2.Save conversations: lol yes
3.Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
4.Wish you were younger: no
5.Cry because someone said something to you: yepp
1.Of times i have had my heart broken: once
2.Of hearts i have broken: idk myb 1?
3.Of girls i've kissed: none
4.Of guys i've kissed: 3
5.Of continents i have lived in: 1
6.Of tight friends: like 2
7.Of cds i own? bazill
8.Of scars on body: infinity