(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 21:18

>1..What is the time right now: 919pm
>2..Full Name: Chelsea Lynn Stevens
>3..Nickname(s): Chels Big C Chell Soy Soy Beans C
>4.. What are you wearing right now: Sweat pants n a white shirt
>5..Star sign: Taurus
>6..Where do you live: Mac Mi
>7.. Sex : female
>8.. Single or taken: single
>9.. Righty or Lefty: Righty
>10.. Hair color:Brown
>11.. Eye color: brown
>12.. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
>13.. Will you send this to your crush:
>14.. Birthday: May 5
>1.. Boxers or brief: boxers
>2.. Long or short hair: depends on who it is
>3.. Dark or blonde hair: ughh..depends again--but i love blonde
>4.. Tall or short: tall
>5.. Six pack: Depends--
>6.. Muscular arms: yes
>7.. Good or bad guy: in between>?
>8.. Hat or no hat: hat
>9.. Ears pierced or not: dont matter
>10.. Dimples: klol
>12.. Dark or light eyes: dark
>13.. Fat or thin: in the middle
>14.. Jewelry or none: maybe
>15. Curly or straight hair: depends
>16.. Freckles or none: none
>17.. Indoor or outdoor: both.
>18.. Shy or outgoing: outgoing
>19.. Rich or poor: rich>>>..lmao
>1.. Regular underwear or G-string:
>2.. Painted nails or not:
>3.. Bra or sports bra:
>4.. wild or sexy:
>5.. Dressy or casual:
>6: Dark or blonde hair:
>7.. Long or short hair:
>8.. Dark or light eyes:
>9.. Long or short nails:
>10.. Hat or no hat:
>11.. Good or bad girl:
>12.. Fat or thin:
>13.. Hair up or hair down:
>14.. Jewelry on or none:
>15.. Short or tall:
>16..Curly or straight hair:
>17..jeans or skirt:
>18..Tan or fair:
>20.. Indoor or outdoor:
>21.. Shy or outgoing:
>1.. Would you date someone just for his or her looks: nooo
>2.. Mud or jelly: mud
>3.. Skiing or boarding: i've never done either-----i've surfed? lmao 
>4... Cake or pie: cake
>6.. Silver or gold: SiLVERrrrrrrrr
>7.. Sunset or sunrise: sunset
>8.. Have you ever fractured/broken/sprained a bone: maybe sprained
>9.. Do you have any piercing's: yes
>10.. What's your favorite colours: Hot PInk n Red
>11.. Do you hate anyone: not really
>12.. Who do you dream about: this really hot kid
>13.. Do you like anyone? keeeee heeeeee
>14... who's the loudest friend: Dijana
>15.. Who do you tell your dreams to: dijana or Andrea
>16.. What shampoo do u use: Dove
>17.. How many T.Vs in your house:7
>18.. Who is the last person you called: uhmm.. Dave
>19.. Where do you want to get married: on a beach
>20.. Favourite number: 3
>~*~most favorite ~*~
>21.. Favorite boys name: Jason, Andrew, matthew, ryan>>.list goes on
>22.. Favourite Girls name: Allison Mackenzie Gabriella
>23.. Have you ever gone skinny dipping: hhah yesss
>24.. have u ever been in love: YEah
>27..Wat was the last film you saw at the cinema?: umm.. Hitch

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