The Basics
.x.Your name is: Jennifer, Jen, or Crazy Joe, I don't know why but all my friends call me that.
.x.Your age is: 15
.x.Your birthday is: Aug. 11th
.x.Your gender: Female
.x.Your location: Ohio
.x.Your sexual preference:I like the guys..
.x.Tell us one thing about yourself that would make us think you're totally-cool/a-complete-loser: I can Lick My elbow, which i guess that makes me a complete loser..
.x.Promote in your journal and 2 friends' journals, and/or 1 community(it cannot be one of the promotion communities, everyone does that to take the easy way out, find a more complex community to promote in, after you are a member you may promote freely):
Do you...
.x.Brush your teeth:every day..I freak out if i don't..
.x.Eat 3 meals daily: or 4 or 5..i love food.
.x.Smoke/drink/do drugs (why or why not?):no i think smoking and drinking under age and drugs is a dumb idea, If I wanted to kill myself, I'd do it the easy way.
.x.Prefer Spiderman, Batman, Superman, or anyother superhero (give a reason): Batman! Because I have a weird obsession with Robin.
.x.Pick your nose: When i was little..but thats a habbit I'm glad i lost with the pampers..
.x.Listen to The Beatles (and/or any other Beatles-era band):duh..WHo doens't listen to the Beatles?
.x.Watch Saturday morning cartoons (includ channel): not really..I don't watch alot of TV..unless its CSI.
.x.Have any pets (how many, what kinds, their names): A black Lab named Black Jack, I've had him for 12 years.
.x.Color(s):Pink, black, and gray.
.x.Food(s): Pasta and pineapples..
.x.Movie(s):LotR!! You gotta love any movie with elves and hobbits.
.x.Band(s):Dope! and LP..but i like all kinda of music.
.x.Animal(s):monkeys..I'm not sure why..but i've liked them since i was little.
.x.Song(s): Jenny's Cryin. By dope.
.x.Book(s): Sweet Blood By Pete Hautman. I like it because its a modern vampire novel.
.x.Decade:the mid 80's ealry 90's! the clothes, the music, the TV..whats not to love?
.x.The war in Iraq:I think it was a thing that had to happen. I think it was a good idea.
.x.George W. Bush: I think he is a good President, he trys his best, and he did what any good president would do when we were attacked.
.x.Michael Moore and his "controversial" movies: Screw him. He lies to People. If he doesn't like the US he should leave.
.x.Abortion: I don't think its something people should do, Unless its a 13 years old girl who was raped..i don't think she should have to have the baby.
.x.Pre-maritial sex: If you are ready for what chould happen..a child..AIDS..or any STD..than go for it.
.x.Gays/lesbians/bi people: What ever floats their boat, it doesn't really effect me. I have a few gay friends and they are great people.
.x.Pop culture today: Pop culture..well..its weird..I don't know how I feel about it..but its pop culture you can't really get away from it...
Word Association little cute yellow things..
.x.christ-happy: smiles
.x.god: the only one who can jugde me.
.x.rainbow: happy
.x.RHPS: red hot peper soup? lol
.x.RHCP: Red hot chili pepers are freakin awesome.
.x.punk: good music, and i like the clothing labeled punk but i wouldn't label people who wear it punk.
.x.emo: i hate emo music.
.x.rock: good music, and a great pet I love music i relate everything to it! doesn't work.
At least two picture of yourself:
Your best friend:
Something that will make us laugh:
Me being a weirdo.
A picture of your room (we can tell a lot by someone's room): (If you don't have your room then try to post one of something that means a lot to you)
Faeires..I love them. I my rooms full of them. But other than that its kinda messy and the walls are red.
STUFF THE MAINTAINERS/CREATORS LEFT OUT: (List info that we should know about you that we might have overlooked while creating the application) um..i can't really think of anything but some other applications ask how offen your on the i'm on about 6 hours a day because i have no life.