I was bored today. I have no TV so I did a lot of thinking. My brother took pity on me and let me use the "good" computer, so I thought I'd post my thoughts. I call this...My thoughts are bolded, yeah, I'm really
Thought # 1. Thoughtee = Marian a.k.a.
cherub_bunnyFollow this piece of Marian advice: "Never talk about the people on the bus!"
Especially if it's a crazy guy drinking egg nog in July. Was it July? Hmm..
Thought # 2. Thoughtee = Marian a.k.a.
cherub_bunnyMarian was quite talented at catching small details. While we were visiting a 'brother' classroom because they had invited us to eat some chili, Marian was quick to point out a conversation between a teacher and a blind girl, Rachel. It went as follows:
Teacher [in loud obnoxious voice]: Rachel! Do! You! Like! The! Chili?!?
Rachel: Um, yeah. It's good.
Marian's observation: Uh, she's blind, not deaf. And wouldn't her other senses be sharpened because the fact she is blind?
Ms. M teacher., you are insensitive
Thought # 3. Thoughtee = Me a.k.a.
crazy_giggles and my bedtime ritual.
I have to sleep with a tube of chapstick and one Kleenex under my pillow, if not, nightmares of sneezing,chapped lips, and fumbling in the dark ensue.
Ummm, I had other thoughts, but I wanted to post those cause I can [unless Marian objects, heh] and they're funny.
And cause I wanted to piss my brother using his computer time. I rule so much.
Concert countdown = 45 days.