Im a dork too....

May 27, 2005 18:29

Well Jen and I went to Sequoia Park and hung out....that was fun...shes awesome..i dont really know how i landed such an allround AWESOME Girlfriend...and to think that she hasnt ever had a! some guys are idiots....well yeh the park was nice...the new zoo is hecka actually looks like a real zoo....a small one but real.... ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

yur_dumb May 28 2005, 02:36:24 UTC
Do you guys wanna go to the movies with Pat and I tomorrow? We ended up not doing anything tonight because I'm going over to Allie's. I dunno, we can plan something. He could pick you guys up and stuff. So yah.


crazy_lazy_man May 28 2005, 02:53:16 UTC
HA! what would make you think that her and i would want to hang out with you guys...damn..she is going to sacremento to mountain bike and i am going backpacking with the padre...good times..good times...maybe next know seeing as how there is like 18 days of school left...HIP HIP HOORAY!!!


it's sad because you couldn't have just told me on aim. yur_dumb May 28 2005, 03:08:45 UTC
Haha ah I see, alright. You WISH you could hang out with us, I know your affection towards Pat. Wink, wink.


almost but not quite lolligirl May 29 2005, 04:42:42 UTC
we have 13 days left of school not counting weekends and holidays.

oh and congrats on you and Jen.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: uuuh matt? crazy_lazy_man May 28 2005, 05:33:39 UTC
balls...balls jaci...a pair of hairy delicious man balls...


Re: uuuh matt? jacine May 28 2005, 07:31:38 UTC
Umm...Matt, that's gross.


Just incase you were wondering aforallie May 28 2005, 07:32:42 UTC
And Jaci didn't make the deleted post.


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