Today the patterns that I bought to base the dress on arrived.
I'll be making a dress based on pattern F, minus the strip down the middle. It's a nice basic dress design that a beginner sewer should be able to manage, particularly as I plan to do a lot of sewing over the next few months to get my skill up.
The jacket featured on this patterns is what I am interested in. It has the right sort of collar and shape. I will need to leave the pockets off but other than that very few alterations to the pattern will need to be made. The cuffs will need to be made larger and the jacket has a white trim but shape wise this is what I am making.
I have also bought a potential wig.
This is the right colour but very long for what I need. It's actually a lot longer than the picture on the packet. I'm a little disappointed with it. It doesn't matter too much though as I plan to cut it. I hope that it will look ok when it's cut, if not I'll buy another one from Ebay that is the exact style that I want. For a test run this will do ok.
The hat is still under construction. I'm not sure that knitting/crocheting it is the right way to go but I dont have a lot of other options. I'm going to make some suggestions to the person making it for me as to how we can make it closer to the necessary shape andstyle. I'm not too worried about it. It'll turn out ok i'm sure.
Other than the above I have been looking around for some of the additional pieces of the costume. White court shoes seem to be appearing in shoe shops now, though not quite the one's I need. By the summer they'll no doubt have some closer to the style that I require, if not, I'll just get one's similar to what I've seen already.
Clips - Have looked in Claire's. Plenty there. Won't be purchasing until later in the year.
Gloves - Have not found yet.
Contacts - Argos - £20 - Will purchase in August.
The umbrella may have to be dropped from the costume as there is some debate as to whether or not I can carry it at the convention. The committee have not yet decided whether an umbrella counts as a dangerous weapon therefore it may have to be dropped :(