I have discovered my ultimate talent and I've confirmed it today during critique in 3D class:
I can confuse people with no effort on my part. It justs comes naturally. I'm guessing that this was some sort of defence mechanisim that I developed during elementry school.
Now that I've realized this, I'll learn to control it... somehow. Umm... One of the triggers is if I talk too much. The more I say, the less I make sense. If my fellow classmates think I'm on drugs, then something must be wrong, right?
Then there's the grammer thing. But I think everyone has that problem sometimes. You know... like when you say the opposite of what you meant to say(ie. I'm going to cheat-I mean study! Yes, study.) or you're thinking about two different things and they come out as one word? (ie. Skull, head = skead. Lunch, dinner = lunner.)
The only reason I'm mentioning the whole thing was because one of my male classmate's 3D installation looked like a yellow bikini and there was no way I was going to say, "It looks like a woman wearing a yellow bikini", so I tried hinting at it by saying it reminded me of summer. I was asked to elaborate on the piece(so my friend told me, I heard different). I then said that it reminded me of the beach, with everyone wearing their swimsuits... *hint hint* *sigh* Someone asked my friend if I were on drugs. DAMN IT PEOPLES! Are you blind?!?!