Title: Peacock
Author: crazycatt71
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: BBC's Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Word Count:100
Summary: Sherlock strutts about
A/N: A shoe drabble
Click, click, click, pause, click, click. John sat on the couch, smiling as he watched Sherlock strut about the flat in his new shoes. He marched regally about the place with his head held high, shoulders back, spine rod strait, and his hips thrust out. The needle like heels clicked on the floor as he moved to the fire place, paused, then turned to face John, his unusual colored eyes sparkling as a smile turned the corners of his mouth up.
“Come here, my proud peacock,” John called as he held out his arms, “I want to ruffle your feathers.”