Okay, so after months of talking about it, the Fluorines, Krista, Erica, and Bibi made Ms. Mariani a poster of the Ten CHEMmandments!!!! And since they were so amazing, and Ms. Mariani is going to hang them up in her class next year (so me and Krista get to see them again) here they are, in all their chemical glory :D:
1. Chemistry is of the highest importance, thou shall put no other subject before it
2. Thou shall live in no other world but the chemistry world
3. Thou shall never be tardy for class
4. Thou shall honor thou row captain and lab partners
5. Thou shall not die before chemistry class
6. Thou shall always wear thou goggles and apron during a lab.
7. Thou shall always recall the polyatomic ions
8. Thou shall always remember significant figures
9. Thou shall not covet thou neighbors chemistry book (or forget thou chemistry book in thou locker)
10. Thou shall have thou homework ready at the beginning of class (or thou shall fall victim to the death glare
Yea, so thats them...aren't they amazing?...Aren't we dorks?
Okay so finals are finally over, and tomorrow is the last day of school!!! Grades so far...
H. Eng. 3 - A
H. History - ?
Choir - A?
H. Chem 1 - 95
Algebra 2 - 103
Spanish 3 - 80
Religion 3 - 94.5
Yep, pretty damn proud...lets see....me and Krista took out first Physics test today....its 12.5% of our final grade...we think we got A's, but I skipped the bonus...:-(
Missy made me an awesome purse!!!
Gave my Model Senate speech yesterday...we find out our positions tomorrow...they WILL be posted. :-
Daniella quit choir and I'm really sad...Fluorine did too...its all because of stupid scheduling shit and I hate it
I had something else to say, but I can't remember...um...I pasted my head to my shoulder? Do you like..stuff? I <3 Simpsons
Looking for a new banner for my cell phone, any suggestions
Yea, so I'm not going to remember the last thing I wanted to say so whatever....Matt, Deo, if either of you ever read this, we need to hang, and soon because I miss you guys, and the prom picture was amazing! (Same goes for you Daisy, but you didn't have a pic so :p