livejournal. Yeah. It's been awhile. Myspace has taken over my life. Thanks a lot for that one Jo. But more importantly, SCHOOOOOL has taken over my life.
Ridiculously LONG rant, trust me, not for the faint at heart. I won't be hurt if you dont read it, in fact I'll probably be relieved. )
Comments 2
I definately can understand. Sure I'm not a senior, but Junior year is mad important and I'm working so much because my boss is trying to KILL me and I don't get to see my friends much anymore blah blah blah.
But enough about my stupidness, it may seem really rough now, but there HAS to be a light at the end of the tunnel or else we are all just going to collapse into the ground. You have always had your act together and I admire you for the strength and perserverance you've shown before. You're smarter than me and if I'm not dead yet, than you can't be.
Lol in any case, I'm always here if you want to talk or rant or whatever. I'll be after school every day this week except for Friday (I'm working on yet ANOTHER friday) <3 ::hugs::
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