Leaving town...

Aug 19, 2008 22:46

Well not forever, not soon...

I think Steff has talked to some sense in to my head(not a new thought all of her own) but I really have to stop doing all 7 months of the wet deary shitty Vancouver weather each and every year. Yea the Dr's pills stop me from killing people (myself included), but they don't help me get on track ready for the next year of fun and productivity. In fact the meds even eat at my soul worse then other self medicated vices.

I have often dreamed of moving to some where nice and warm. But I hate the French, and every other warm country is a shit hole, smells bad, or is a dictatorship. (saying I want to go to Australia or New Zealand is unoriginal other friends have already set plans to do it, and I think I'm way to sick and twisted to be let in to Japan for more then a few month at time) But I can see myself checking out a place on the globe for a month at time. Wow it will be like Google earth but with higher rez image.
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