so if you want to read my somewhat funny story of how verizon is giving me a free phone and not making me pay for my phone bill for a year or so
it all started when i got my new razr, it decided to not work when i got it because it looked like it was used, it had scratches all over it, so i had to send it back and get another one which they claimed was brand new just like the first one...well this one decided to stop working randomly, and i left it in detroit, so when im home in muskegon i call verizon to get a new phone, and the lady tells me i need to have my phone on me so they can walk me through fixing it, and if that doesnt work then she will send me another one
so i wait for jennie to mail me my phone, get it, call verizon, they try to walk me through something, doesnt work, they tell me i can just go to the verizon store in the mall and get a new one, so i go there, and the guy is like, well this phone has been dropped in the water and that he cant give me another phone, i have to pay the 50$ cause i have insurance, and then i can have a new one sent to me..
so i call verizon from the pay phone, and tell them this story, and tell them it was a crap phone and i wasnt paying for a new one, well she says it must have got wet somehow cause there is a little white sticker under the battery cover and when that gets wet it turns red, well i proved that was like that when i got the phone cause there was another white sticker on the battery right next to the other sticker that turned red from getting wet and this sticker was still white which means the battery wasnt in the phone when it got wet, and i had the battery in the phone the entire time i had it,
the great part was how i kept running out of quarters and the pay phone kept shutting off so i had to keep calling back and telling this whole story to the new person who answered the phone, getting put on hold and finally getting the same person i was talking to and then the phone would shut off again, so i finally drove home, used my home phone to check my messages, and verizon called me and left a message saying to call them back, im glad they called my broken cell phone...
so eventually i get on the phone with a supervisor so i keep yelling at her, and she is like i understand, i also have a razr and i had to have it exchanged a couple times already, so she is sending me a free phone...and as she was putting the credit on my account she noticed that i use text messaging a lot, and am paying a lot for each message and she asks me if i want to add the unlimited text to my phone, which i should have already had, and didnt, and she notices a bunch of other stuff i was being charged for that i shouldnt have, like roaming when my phone has free roaming on it, so after talking to her for about 2 and a half hours, my account ended up being credited like $800 and she was like, yeah dont worry about paying your phone bill for a while...and on top of that instead of only having 500 minutes a month, she bumped it up to 1400 minutes a month...
i was like bitch dont mess with The Adam