Title: The Bee's Knees - Part 2 ( Part 1) Characters/Pairings: Cain/Castiel, background Dean/Benny, Hannah with mentions of Hannah/Kim Warning: ABO dynamics, Omega!Castiel, Alpha!Cain, explicit sex (this chapter)
Hehehe little shit Castiel is my favoritest thing EVER. Awwww thank you so much. I've seen mating marks a few times but I have no idea where the covering an old with a new idea came from. I was just walking through my laundry room when it hit me and I immediately was like...oh that is most definitely something Castiel would be wholly against.
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Awwww thank you so much.
I've seen mating marks a few times but I have no idea where the covering an old with a new idea came from. I was just walking through my laundry room when it hit me and I immediately was like...oh that is most definitely something Castiel would be wholly against.
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