Title: The Bee's Knees Characters/Pairings: Cain/Castiel, background Dean/Benny Summary: Cain was very content with his life the way it was. Warning: ABO dynamics, Omega!Castiel, Omega!Dean, mentions of MPREG ( Read more... )
Title: Panty Snatcher (Human!AU) Characters & Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Roland the cat Summary: Dean really loves panties...and he's not the only one. Warning: Dean's love of panties, if that's not your thing. That's about it. A/N: Idea inspired by these AMAZING Awkward First Meeting AUs
Title: Not What He Needs (Human!AU) Characters/Pairings: Cain/Dean Summary: People don't have the slightest clue Warning: Age difference (Legal), Non-graphic sex ( Just not normal... )
Title: Pirate's Booty (Pirate!AU) Characters: Cain, Dean, Benny Lafitte Pairings: Cain/Dean Summary: Is it a pirate's life for Dean? Warning: Description of Dean naked, implied Prostitute!Dean
Title: Where I Wanna Be (Tattoo/Bakery!AU) Characters/Pairings: Dean/Benny, Castiel, mentions of Megstiel Summary: Dean knows how this goes... with sneaky, hot bakers and their seemingly innocent offerings of pie. Warning: None ( Read more... )
Title: The Way of Things Characters: 2009!Dean/2014!Castiel, flashbacks of 2009!Dean/2009!Castiel Summary: Whatever they do, they will always end up... here. Warning: Angsty smut, it is Endverse after all.
Title: Scars of Malaika (MOV) Warning: None Notes: This is the 4th part to the Amy/Charissa arc set in the Fu King 'Verse. Part 1, 2 & 3 Malaika is Swahili for angel.
Title: Stay Connected Characters: Dean/Castiel, Anna Milton Warning: None Note: The 'I ruined my phone and you slipped your number into the replacement I just bought from you’ AU that nobody asked for.