Running away from the streets we knew . . .

Oct 21, 2004 19:55

i did a book report on this AMAZING book called "Hard Love", this girl writes a zine, a zine is a home-made magazine, hers is called "Espace Vilocity." Well, for my report i had to dress up like the person, and have a physical object representing and "showing an understnading of the charater" i made a cover to "her" zine. And as i was making it, i ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

_unclear_vision October 21 2004, 21:08:35 UTC
when i think of a really wonderful guy
i always think of that main character
and i love him
and i love that book!


jamijuzi October 24 2004, 00:54:37 UTC
hayo yayo whhhhhhhats up? hows life bieng lately? anywayyys talk to you soon.


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