Regardless of whether or not you plan an event 3 days or 3 years in advance- nothing will ever turn out the way you want it to. So just give up. Admit that someone, somewhere along the way is going to fuck it up
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Mr. Fishy's residence (aka a beta vase) broke the other day while my mom was "trying to clean it" (personally, I think this was a thought out plan to get rid of my fish, seeing as though my mom told me to "think about buying another fish bowl" for Mr. Fishy since he was probably going to die soon anyways). Uh Huh. How convenient! So I go to
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There's nothing like spending 4 hours in a smoke-filled bar with drunken middle-aged women who can't sing to karaoke or dance with any rhythm
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I DON'T FUCKING GIVE A SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a huge fucking History test tomorrow and do you know how much I care? ABOUT THIS MUCH----> I thought about studying, but nope, not gonna do it
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Why yes officer I was exceeding 70 in a 65 because see, both of my parents(my mother especially) have this death grip around the neck of my life and demanded that I be home by 8:30 pm
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I took my niece on a picnic today.I had a really nice weekend. Aside from the fact that certain people named Donny were going to call and then didn't. But you know what, I don't really give a shit anymore. I really don't. Bleh. Don't care. This is me not caring. So there you go
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