tycho brahe once said that "some people play tennis, i erode the human soul" well i don't know too many people who play tennis because i am to focused on the latter. I work with kids that are still in high school, or at least never mentally matured past the high school mentality. i hate it. one girl's life is so full of hapiness and hope and positivity that i told her once "i don't get my hopes up, because the higher you are the farher you fall" she was apalled, she thought that was sad. she clearly has not had a trail of wreckage of a life to look back upon and that frustrates me.
guilty pleasure time: i like to POUR fattening sauces onto people's sandwhiches and them imagine them as three hundred pounds and sobbing right up until their artiries give out on christmas day. i am smiling right now.
you'll see that i don't talk about work because my coworkers are mentally beneath me to the point that they think i am insane (elementary school just FLOODS back in a wave of nostalgia so huge that south asian countries file for relief aid every time i work more than four hours) and my only source of hapiness is over feeding people and imagining them dying on major national holidays.
i also don't talk about school, because school has taught me to keep my ear to the ground to the point that i notice when bush doubles the defense budget (on top of other expenditures) and cuts school, environmental aid and foreign aid. our president only wants to kill us all and i get reminded of that every day.
so que kathy, t and a small assortment of friends. they are important to me not because they understand me, but because they laugh at my jokes. i hate feeling like i'm a damn teenager and that no one gets me, but goddamn it, when will i stop just wierding people out?
guilty pleasure time: i like the idea of vh1 doing a reality show based on LAST week, and then i like the idea of G-unit's airplane getting into a midair collision with britney spear's, justin timberlake's, and avril lavigne's tour plane... right over the studio where they are filming that show about last week. no survivors. i am smiling again.
i know the taxation leveyed on my soul for embibing in a minute sample of anything that the television has to offer, but i know drug addicts enough to know that you always hate what you can't get enough of.