so i am 22 years old, and i don't think that this age makes me some sort of know-it-all when it comes to relationships (sexual or other-wise) but today i was talking to a guy who could have been a younger me! he was going on and on about how he loves this girl and how she loves ass-holes and how he could treat her so much better and how she changes her lives to suit these assholes and i just had to tell him "dude, when you cry to girls, and get emotional like this, it's a turn off. trust me." then i started giving him advice, telling him that if he really wants to (ug, i hate saying this) "get some" then he has to (and yes, i despise saying this next piece, too) "play the game". He said that he refuses, and the fact is is that he will probably just continue on this path of crying to girls who wont sleep with him and then get mad when they sleep with other guys.
now let me address a few things: 1-i was raised by a lesbian feminist (mom) and two sexually promiscuos persons (older sister and older brother) and they educated me by example of the needs of the opposite sex. my mom would laugh when i got too emotional and call me a fag. my sister would explain that she broke up with "so and so" because he was too emotional/clingy/weak/needy/unadventurous in bed. and my brother would cheat on his girlfriends, beat them, do heroin and when he died TWO women sobbed their eyes out, got tattoos commemorating him and were addicted to heroin themselves.
the reason for this? i surmise: people want to date (drum roll pretty please) PEOPLE! that's right, for all you lonely, lovable, losers out there. people want to date people. not worshippers, girlfiends dont want boyfriends who think that they know what's best for them, not people who cry at the drop of a hate and flood them "cute little presents". i know it sounds weird, but it's the truth. women want guys who don't NEED women. sure they want a guy who's good in bed and will listen and will dress nice. i mean doesn't that make sense? it really is easy to understand. people want to date cool people, or people who are fashionable. i know i want to date cool people, i know i want to date people that are normal and not overly emotional and if you want to date normal people too, why wouldn't the girl your're pining after want to date normal people?
case in point: i never met a heroin addict who didn't take someone along for the ride (you know who i am talking to), i never met a wife beater who didn't have a wife to beat, it sucks that people are fiends for drama and that people are so blatantly self destructive and that you could love her so much more than ass-hole "A" does, but sorry dude, people only SAY that they want sweeping romantic... uh... romance. what people want are humans. to mate with, to hang with, to be with.
people loving people, who'da thunk it.