Here's what I learned in the last 10 minutes...

Oct 10, 2005 22:12

--The Nylons are still as cheesy as ever ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

bay_breeze October 12 2005, 03:21:39 UTC
Alexander Hartnett you make me laugh.
mmmmmm Robert Hunter mmmmmmm.


kataline8 October 12 2005, 15:35:57 UTC
yes i definatly agree. mmmmmm robert hunter!


ohhhh yeeessss bluedevilwestie October 13 2005, 01:30:39 UTC
I third that, and... I SAW HIM FIRST!!!! Plus he can't date til he's 18. Fortunately, I will not see that line of girls waiting for him on that fateful day. Unfortunately, I will not be at DHS to jump in the line. Damn.

Well, Xander, maybe if you grew your hair out a bit and learned to sing and dance and have that uncontestedly sexy smile plastered on your face all at the same time, the female population of Davis High would be lusting after you on their livejournals... You've pretty much got the smile part down...


smile and the world smiles with you crazymassivenes October 14 2005, 03:40:57 UTC
but no way shaggy hair; it would just be a cheap knock-off of doug. sing and dance is anybody's guess, but "outlook not so good" as far as talent goes...


heseesmira October 12 2005, 06:06:52 UTC
alex, its ruthie, add me as a friend!


heck yes i will crazymassivenes October 14 2005, 03:11:50 UTC
like right now...


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