Jazzy J

Nov 13, 2005 16:06

It's another one of those band weeks with the band geeks with music every night. Luckily it's off to a good start because we had the best gig... ever. It was just like the Jubilee because we played well and a large crowd of old people really enjoyed it ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

bay_breeze November 14 2005, 00:37:32 UTC
Can I get 5 bucks anyways?


frogist November 14 2005, 00:42:23 UTC
I'm all over that if no one has by the time your winter concert rolls around


onejumpahead November 14 2005, 02:07:51 UTC
oh man, i really want to do that, except i won't. damn my nature. if the opportunity presents itself though.... maybe i will


the opportunity presents itself... crazymassivenes November 14 2005, 08:58:28 UTC
...like dr. sax comes up to you and you guys start having a scintillating conversation about internet communities and THEN you ask him?


Re: the opportunity presents itself... onejumpahead November 15 2005, 00:05:54 UTC
no..like i actually go up and talk to him as in i'm in the vicinity of you and he's near.... but it's pretty much a moot point now isn't it?


bluedevilwestie November 14 2005, 03:13:39 UTC
sheffer? if it is, and if you can get to a-7 4th period, I will so totally ask him that. even though it would be out of context. I'm always willing to help a friend get their jollies, I guess.


no just ask that keith crazymassivenes November 14 2005, 09:01:26 UTC
what the hell is manny's problem? and theo epstein too.


Re: no just ask that keith bluedevilwestie November 14 2005, 23:06:50 UTC
why yes, that is an example of being out of context... wtf?


bay_breeze November 14 2005, 06:04:39 UTC
cough up.


onejumpahead November 14 2005, 06:13:12 UTC
you did it?!? what'd he say?


bay_breeze November 14 2005, 06:18:06 UTC
"Do I what? Who's LJ? I'm sorry, what is it?"


of course i will crazymassivenes November 14 2005, 09:03:46 UTC
but it may be the last time my tongue-in-cheek statements involve paying money...


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