
Dec 24, 2005 01:43

--Saw the Chronic(les) yesterday. Good movie. Peter looks like Cory Mann... totally. Steve agrees... totally ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

_china_grove_ December 24 2005, 21:38:31 UTC
I agree that peter looks like cory. And there's definetly snow in Canada.


fun fun crazymassivenes December 25 2005, 00:16:24 UTC
enjoy it


bluedevilwestie December 25 2005, 00:25:16 UTC
You fail, it should be March 24, aka my birthday. Nice try, though.

I'm off to eat some Chinese food!! Isn't my Dad's family just so kookliy original (not) and rebellious (not) by having that on Christmas Eve!?!? I'd save you an eggroll or something, but it would be like two weeks old by the time it got to you (unless you make it one week, hint hint) so I'll send you a little Christmas luv instead. Because you luv Christmas. It says so in the HUB, so it's gotta be true, cuz Kyle and Doug don't lie.


como dicen en mexico... cachamela December 25 2005, 01:16:11 UTC
feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo!!!


como dicen en mexico... crazymassivenes December 26 2005, 07:32:27 UTC
i wanna wish you a merry christmas...
i wanna wish you a merry christmas...
i wanna wish you a merry christmas from the bottom of my heart!

do they play that song in mexico?


Re: como dicen en mexico... cachamela December 26 2005, 22:41:21 UTC
NOOOOO...we sing noche de paz...jajaja


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