name: Brittany
remixz: MacMama
seX: Ladii
lOc: cape c0ral
race: Malato
natZ: Native American, Black, SpaNish
aqe: 1..5 you feel the vibe
aOl: d0nt g0t one
aim: YourDhsCutie06
riiqht nOw '
tiime: 1:47
drinkynq: Oj!
eatynq: nadA
wearynq: Red Skirt, Black Dress Shirt [just came home from church]
muZic: Usher-Confessions 2
mOod: Excited
thynkiin abOut: BradLey!
want: T0 hang with him
needzZ: Call K-Tizzle
wiish i waz: Closer to God
favOriitez `
sOnq: Vindicated - Dashboard Confessional
siinqer: Usher or Avant
fOod: FettUcine AlFredo
iice cream: c0okiie d0ugh; PeAnut ButtEr RippLe
juiice: Apple or Orange
liiquOr: No DrinKing!
clOthiinq stOrez: any place in the mall , jc pennyz [ they always have cute clothes nd BIG sales lol ]
shOe stOrez: Rack Room
cOlorZ: 0range and piink and Lime Green
cartOon character: Dora Da Explora
mOviie: a walk to remember and save the last dance
tv shOw: the oc, one tree hill
thiinq tO do: chyllen with my friends
friiendz '
whOse ya female bestfriiend: Katelyne
whOse ya male bestfriiend: BradLey!
Otha clOse friiendz: kari,all muh girls on lj! Whitt, Heath, Scafidi
back staberz: hmM .Rouchelle, Amber
whO u tell everiithynq: Margie
whO u wiit mOst: Margie and K-Tizzle
whO u on da phOne wiit mOst: Bradley
whO u fiiqht wiit mOst: No one
whO u neva fiiqht wiit: Bradley
whO mOst liike u: All oF Them
whO da mOst fun: all of them
whO u take everii where: jENNY
whO alwayz cheerz u up Bradley
whO lOvez u mOst: Who Knows
whO u wanna see mOre:Jade and Abbie
whO u knO qOnna alwayz be there: Lauren and Jenny and Garage Girls and Lj Girls
u qOt a bOii: n0pe
if sO whO: ..
whO u crushiin: 2 guys
last relatiiOnshiip: Brayn
whO u wanna be wiit: no one
sex `
virqin Or nO: yup
whO waz ya fiirst: no one
waZ ur first tyme speciial: n/a
hOw manii peOple u been wiit: ---
ever qet Oral: n0pe
favOriite positiOn: ---
last time u had sex: ---
whO u wanna dO it wiit: Someone I trust
ever mess wiit sumOne Of da same sex: nope
fantasy: Under a waterfall
tOp Or bOttom: b0tt0m.
da end '
tiime: 1:59
buddiez On: i dunno
whO u talkiin tO:mi padre
musiic playiin if any: Janet Jackson
wha u qOnna do nOw: call jenny
las wOrdz: is
I read something today.. It reminded me of you. But the sad thing is that when i thought about you, I didnt smile, nor did i frown. I just wished I hadnt made the mistake of building my life around you.