Remus/Bellatrix Recs

Jul 26, 2005 13:09

Mmm, finally got off my lazy ass and put this together. I'll never understand why this isn't a more popular pairing, 'cause it's so delicious and wrong. Enjoy. :)

Remus/Bellatrix Rec List )

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Comments 41

lazy_neutrino July 26 2005, 18:45:25 UTC
Looks interesting - thanks!


crazysexy_cool July 26 2005, 21:37:42 UTC
*cackles* All part of my evil R/B conversion plan, darling...


lazy_neutrino July 26 2005, 21:40:56 UTC
No need to convert me - I ship Remus/anything!

(well, within reason - Remus/Dumbledore might be too much).

It would have to be non-con R/B to work for me, though. I can't see the characterisation fitting any other interpretation.


crazysexy_cool July 26 2005, 21:49:36 UTC

Really? I hadn't noticed. :)

And *indignant* what's wrong with Remus/Dumbledore? Perfectly wonderful pairing! Not quite as smutty as Snape/Dobby or JKR/Harry, of course, but still...

Mmm, non-con on which side? 'Cause I could point you in the right direction.


paradox01 July 26 2005, 19:29:28 UTC
Ooo! Shiny. I've wanted to get into Remus/Bellatrix for some time but something in me just screams out, "No! Remus! You can't do that to Sirius!" Hee. is quite terrifying.


crazysexy_cool July 26 2005, 21:39:23 UTC
*snickers* Yeah, but think about it - Remus/Bellatrix/Sirius - HOT, don't you think? *melts*


paradox01 July 26 2005, 21:51:09 UTC
Sadly no. There's always been something... adorable (and pathetic) about Remus - he just can't be hot. And when he's with Sirius, he's even less hot.

But Regulus/Bellatrix/Sirius woudl be spiffy. Let's hear it for star names!

Oh, and thank you for your lovely review of Stained *huggles*


crazysexy_cool July 26 2005, 21:56:08 UTC
*sighs* Yeah, I know...I used to really like Remus, but he's been boring me lately (that's sort of why I made the rec list - to try to make myself interested in him again) but he does come off as being...a limp noodle, doesn't he? One thing that annoys me is that R/S writers seem mainly to be Remus fans, and Sirius is sort of pushed slightly to the side a lot of time in favour of Remus angst. Ugh.

Oh yeah. Definitely. What do you think about Dolohov/Bellatrix/Sirius?

And *blushes* don't thank me, silly, I wouldn't have reviewed it if it hadn't been so good (which it is). *loves*


eleanor_zara July 26 2005, 22:33:14 UTC
Oh, I knew you were so cool... *spreads the Remus/Bella love*

I know what I'll be doing this weekend. Having a Remus/Bella Lovefest, of course!


crazysexy_cool July 26 2005, 22:34:58 UTC
*preens* Oh yeah, baby, I'm all sorts of cool like you wouldn't believe. *winks lasciviously*

Mmm, me too. Three hundred miles away from you, but connected with our perversion. :D


eleanor_zara July 27 2005, 09:53:28 UTC
You crack me up.

I might have to make this weekend a Remus/Bella and Severus/Bella weekend. I'm in the middle of writing a Snella story and it's inspired me to celebrate with ficcage.

Hey, do you know of any James/Bella fics? I'm sailing the ship over at SCUSA and we're currently planning our next thread, but alas, we don't have any fics to include in our original post. If you know of any, we would be very happy! (By "we" I mean myself and the ONE other person that ships Jamella. Can you believe we've done 120 posts by ourselves? Well, there was a third person at one time, but I think she lost her way, lol)


crazysexy_cool July 27 2005, 12:59:03 UTC
I know. :D

Mmm, Snella. I've just ordered pizza, too, so it's going to be a real sitting back and doing nothing kind of day. Pizza at eight in the morning, yep.

The thing is, I KNOW I've a few, but I can't for the life of me remember where; there are some on lj, but...aargh, this is killing me.


poisonavery November 10 2005, 13:46:46 UTC
Guh, I'm gonna have to check out these Remus/Bella fics once I get my laptop back. Just kick back with the popcorn and while away the errors reading smut

*wuvs you*


crazysexy_cool November 10 2005, 23:35:14 UTC
Heee! *squishes and wuvs back* Gah, can never get enough R/B, that's for sure, though my reclist is pitifully short. How've you been, darling?


poisonavery November 11 2005, 15:28:49 UTC
I just noticed my typo up there. I think I was thinking about baseball too much =P

I dunno, 'tis a pretty good reclest. A lot more R/B fics than I've ever seen/heard of.

Oh, I'm alright. Living in proverbial hell/college, whatevah. I had a nice little crying fit this morning. Fun


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