Nnrgh. Im so bored that U'm going to go to a 1st brithday party and play on the slip and slide with Noe. Gehehe. Yeah.
Gwen is being a BUTT HEAD and kicking me whenever I pass her doorway. >:( I wish I had the energy to kick her back. Mmmhm, yesh I do.
I had goldfish crackers for breakfast. My mom and I played goldfish wars. That was fun.
First you need a WHOLE LOT of goldfish crackers or someother kind of crachers (preferably cheese. Mmmm. Cheese.)
Then you need 2-5 players (best is 4)
You (duh.) need a flat suraface such as a KITCHEN TABLE to play on.
Take 2 goldfish and place one under the pointer finger on the left hand and the other under the middle finger on the left hand. The thumb isto be left of the table for balance. The other two fingers are used to grab your opponents fish iwthout getting you own smashed or stolen. Any fish that fall off the table or get smashed go into a container called the grave yard. The person who has the last fish seton the table at the time is the winner.
We are going to leave for the party now so hasta lazangna.