Feb 11, 2006 22:09
I don't get to watch the Winter Olympics. I'm kind of depressed by it right now. :(
Anybody have a TV with Olympics on it that doesn't mind a couch bum?
Feb 11, 2006 00:58
Such a relaxing afternoon. Movie, then I broke my record in the bath (at least I think I did) and then I finished up a book.
Thats what Friday's all about.
Jan 17, 2006 23:20
Photos are being passed around from Evan's camera. They have come to me and I've given them to Melissa.
Jan 08, 2006 03:08
Whats the best movie ever?
Well...not a completely great movie. But it definately wins the FUN AWARD.
I had such an awesome time with all that were involved (constant dancers, people w/out real clothing, virgins).
Can't wait to go to the next June or whatever.
Jan 06, 2006 15:13
Hey all who are going to Rocky Horror tomorrow. I just got an e-mail back from Sam saying that it starts around 8:00pm and we all need to leave after the show because she is returning to school in the morning.
That should be about it.
See you there.
Dec 24, 2005 22:24
My family has already opened our presents. I know we're early but we always are. Anyway. I am truely the luckiest girl in the world. For christmas I recieved a dark room. We start building tomorrow. :D
Dec 13, 2005 23:02
Hey...I need a bit of help. I need to start drawing faces again and my only problem is artist's block. If anyone can give me a name of an actor/actress, singer, model, basically anything I can get my hands on a photo of. Please tell me.
Dec 05, 2005 23:19
So waking up at 6:15 in the morning and going to school was normal. Same old 7 hour school day....but then came tech.
We got a ton done but it took forever and left me exhausted.
7.5 hours later I'm ready for bed.
But wait! Homework.
enough griping.
back to work.
then sleep.
then i get to repeat it all tomorrow.