Ohio, Brutus and unlawful activity

May 02, 2006 11:37

I went to Columbus, Ohio this weekend. It was nice and uneventful. We saw friends, ate out and laughed. I let KK stay home (alone) for the 1st time in her life. It was hard. I called her a little over a billion times. Her dad called a fazillion times. It is so hard to see your kid(s) as older or capable even though you raise them to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

red8ny May 3 2006, 04:37:10 UTC
Nothing like bureacracy to brighten the day.

That's rad about the pet kennel. So many of those places could care less about animals, they just want your cash money.


cre8ivenail May 3 2006, 05:18:21 UTC
Yeah, I told Mark that even if we move it would be worth the drive to bring him back to this kennel.

When I called to make the reservation all I gave was my name and cell#. When they called back to make the appt. she referred to Brutus by name and said how much she loved him and couldn't wait to see him. I do realize that a good business would have this info on file but I still think it is pretty good seeing as though they have enough room to kennel 150 dogs and we only take Brutus there 2x a year.


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