fandom drama

Nov 22, 2010 03:45

There is simply no other word for it.

If you have been reading my journal you'll most likely notice that I am involved within the Torchwood fandom, I have been since 2008, far more heavily for the last year and a half, especially during my time in the UK.
Unless you've been under a rock (or living in a very happy place in Egypt called Denile) or just plain apathy, you may have noticed how TW fandom has transformed into being what was once a loving community and into a fractured community, broken into fractions, with most the them fighting each other constantly.

I've always been a fence sitter, due to my absolute hatred of conflict and drama, I always try to please everyone, taking both sides, feeling depressed when everyone fights and wanting to throw my hands up and simply cry in the corner. (not an entirely healthy or positive personality trait of mine but one I'm trying to change) I've been trying to come up with a simple comparison to help explain how this whole thing makes me feel, and this is what I finally came up with recently.
It feels like what happens in real life, when you are caught between a really bad fight between two of your best friends. You love both of them, you understand both of their points of view, your constantly scared about saying the wrong thing and upsetting either one of them, your worried that they'll start fighting or hating you because you say the wrong thing and you want to fix their problems and get them back together again.
You stress, you worry, it causes you alot of heart ache... and sometimes the problem can't be fixed.
Maybe I deal with fighting friends the wrong way or I'm overly paranoid about people hating me (a very old personality fault of mine) but that's how I feel within the TW fandom at the moment.
Not quite as extreme as if it was actually my real life friends fighting, the fandom drama doesn't actually make that emotional (just upset sometimes) but that's how it feels to me.

I'm clearly crazy... because what possessed me to get out of bed and type this at 3am when I'm dead tired from a long day out with my local Doctor Who club where we spent all day watching 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' (possibly the fluffiest, kindest and most 'drama' free show out of the Who universe) when I'm trying to catch a few hours sleep before I go on my first Cultdom podcast in nearly 2 months in 3 hours (I miss talking to them and they are finally covering a subject I can discuss with them)

So what brought on this latest batch of fangirl angst-fest?
Steven Moffat on twitter.

Mainly his reply to the Save Ianto Jones campaign who have been tweeting him recently.
I know a fair few people involved, and I know that they aren't horrible people and are polite to Moffat and co. So what's been keeping me awake is my paranoia (what a surprise... I also feel hot, certainly doesn't help) Paranoia for the crap I'm going to get on the podcast tonight. Now I know I can just not go on it and avoid all this, but I really want to, and I feel like if this does come up, I need to be there to explain all the sides of the story to them. I basically want to defend my friends, even through a part of me doesn't always agree with them, another part of me does.

The people on the podcast are mainly Doctor Who fans, mostly from the classic series onwards, (ie. pretty much all men, in their late 20's - 60's) not big TW fans at all, so pretty much all of them are blind to the tension and drama in the fandom right now. (how nice that must feel)
Basically, they only see the negatives, not the positives (black and white really, no shades of grey) and I fear that Moffat's recent tweet is going to send them on a rant about how crazy all us TW fans are and will most likely result in an unknowing attack against me and some people I call my friends.
They remember the crap James Moran got last year, and if they choose to comment on this, I know they won't be kind. They don't understand the whole story and I fear that no matter what I say, they are going to think all of us are insane and rude to Moffat and co when most of really aren't... like with any fandom, it's a small fraction in BOTH camps that are giving the rest of us a bad reputation.

I hope this doesn't come up on the podcast tonight, I like to try to ignore the drama, I really don't feel like trying to explain this to people who will most likely not understand (or even attempt to) *_*

Sigh -_-
I really do hate drama both in real life and within fandom. *beats the drama llamas with stick*
Such is life sadly....

people:steven 'the grand moff' moffat, hysterical woman #1088, early mid-life crisis, fandom drama, fandom:torchwood, fandom:doctor who

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