1. Real name and/or screen name: JJ 2. Birthday: 290990 3. Age: 17 4. Place of residence: SYDNEY 5. What makes you happy: JAejoong 6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Er... I dunno... prob some korean song.. 7. Do you read my LJ: I am now... 8. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: GOOD: Your icons are sexy BAD: You still haven't made me that naked jaejoong icon. 9. An interesting fact about you: I hate cakes. 10. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: OMGG EDWARD CULLEN!! *drooools*... NONONO!! must stay loyal to me jaejoongie!!! >11. Favorite place to be: In my bed. Asleep
( ... )
Comments 3
1. Real name and/or screen name: JJ
2. Birthday: 290990
3. Age: 17
4. Place of residence: SYDNEY
5. What makes you happy: JAejoong
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Er... I dunno... prob some korean song..
7. Do you read my LJ: I am now...
8. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
GOOD: Your icons are sexy
BAD: You still haven't made me that naked jaejoong icon.
9. An interesting fact about you: I hate cakes.
10. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: OMGG EDWARD CULLEN!! *drooools*... NONONO!! must stay loyal to me jaejoongie!!! >11. Favorite place to be: In my bed. Asleep ( ... )
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