I don't know why some people are just plain selfish...

Jul 20, 2013 23:21

Okay, I received this comment in fanfiction.net:

"I really do like the theme of this story but you are impossible to deal with! Its been over year and you only have 8 chapters. It's really hard to actually get into the story with such major time gaps between updates. I get that you're busy, you're entitled to have a real life but the maybe you shouldn't write fanfiction. If you can't make time to do it, then don't do it at all because it's really annoying. Maybe you should hand the story off to someone else and let them complete it. It's not unheard of. That way, you can continue with your life and anyone reading the story can actually, oh I don't know, READ THE STORY. You can't even respond to the comments, you're so busy. And now you don't know when you'll update again. What is the point in you writing at all then? I'm being rude but you are being unfair. I don't even have faith that you'll read this! It's very frustrating. So, thank you for your time, however little of it you offer, and your patience, because obviously you have a lot(16 months, 8 chapters. ugh) but I no longer have either of those things for you. -KC"

I don't know how to reply to the person so that he/she gets my reply, but I guess I just want to justify why I haven't been able to actually write stuffs:

Dear Killer Comment,

You're just seeing things the way you like it. I HAVE a GREAT reason why I'm not able to update as much as I can EVEN IF I want to. You're raging around without even knowing why I CAN'T JUST SIT DOWN AND WRITE STUFF! First of all, DO YOU KNOW that Malaysia had a small war around Feb - March this year? PEOPLE GETS KILLED for no reason! SOME WERE SHOT IN THE HEAD! WE DO NOT GO OUT in fear of getting shot. And then we have a political riot. With what, our election days being around May at the time and people were campaigning like mad? I was doing my internship during Feb - June which by the way doesn't provide internet access? AND MY COMPUTER JUST DIED on me at that time. If you're not one of my readers in LJ, you wouldn't know a thing. I'd complained about it soon after I ended my endless torture there. I WAS MOVING HOUSES! In fact I was pretty HOMELESS! Going back and forth from a place is not easy without a driving license and a car to boot! I had to wait to hitch a ride from one of my family members. And most recently? Malaysia was hit with the most DEVASTATING HAZE! THE SUN WAS RED at 11 freaking am! I can't see a thing, we can't practically breathe... and most of the shops, schools and offices were closed and we were forced to stay indoors with the FREAKING HEAT! Do you know how hot that was? I was practically dying and I CAN'T EVEN THINK DURING THAT TIME! And now I'm in the middle of writing thesis for my degree, so that I can graduate and earn a job and you just think it's easy with all I HAVE JUST BEEN THROUGH? You think taking 5 subjects is easy when you need to write almost 24/7 every freaking week? GOD, thanks a lot. YOU JUST INCREASED MY STRESS LEVEL BY A NOTCH. I guess some people just want to watch the world burn.

You see, I don't know how to feel when I read your comment. I interpreted it as a Love/Hate relationship since it's like you love A secret to My Grave, but you just hate me for being such a lousy author. Guess what? I initially write not to please people, but to make sure that the words flows easily to me when I need to write extra long papers for my degree since English is not my native language! AND by the way,if you think writing is easy, TRY WRITE IT YOURSELF. You can end this story anyway you like since IT IS YOUR IMAGINATION IN THE FIRST PLACE.


God, I just wasted my Saturday night replying to this rage email. BUT at least I feel much better even though I don't know how to send this thing to the commenter since he/she is a guest in fanfiction. =..=


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