Title: And She Was
Characters: Goyle/Bones
Prompt: Look Over There
Rating: PG
Word Count: close to 800
Summary: In which Hannah Abbott points out Susan Bones' admirer
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters
Author's Notes: This story takes place after the war, near the end of their seventh year
“Susan I think Gregory Goyle is looking at you,” Hannah whispered over breakfast, a knowing smile on her face.
“Where,” Susan asked, suddenly alarmed by this news. It was Hufflepuff instinct to know from where and just how long a potential enemy had been staring at you so as to determine what the correct action was, which was normally traveling in packs and hoping for the best. Because of the mass exodus of most of the Slytherin house, many of the Hufflepuff had become somewhat lax in their carefulness, but that didn’t mean they had forgotten how to take care of their own.
“Look over there, at the Slytherin table,” Hannah said, no longer making any effort to keep the conversation between Susan and herself. She had first noticed Goyle’s staring a few days ago, in their Transfiguration class. At first she’d been slightly frightened that he might be staring at her, but after a few more classes she’d come to realize that his staring was actually directed at Susan. The effect was a brain storm the likes of which Susan would have avoided had she known about it.
It wasn’t that Hannah was out to get Susan. She would never set her friend up with someone she actually thought might cause Susan problems in the long run. Goyle was one of the last remaining seventh years of Slytherin, and had never really been considered a threat by anyone, though he was admittedly intimidating. After Malfoy, and even his own father, had left him behind to join Lord Voldemort he seemed to have gone through a bit of a change. The results were somewhat interesting in that, while he would never be considered nice, he had become more polite and a bit more interested in making friendships with seventh years from other houses. Crabbe and Bulstrode followed suit.
Susan looked quickly behind her only to see the Slytherin in question turn his head back to his companions. She rolled her eyes and turned back to her plate, ignoring Hannah’s ever present smile.
“I think he fancies you Susan,” Hannah said.
“You think everyone fancies me Hannah.”
“I do not.”
“Of course you do. Fourth year you were on to me about how Terry Boot and Ronald Weasley were fighting for my attention and how you feared one might kill the other. Fifth year you swore you had heard Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom having an argument over who would be taking me to Hogsmeade. In our sixth year…”
“Alright you’ve made your point, but I really did overhear Draco and Neville…” Hannah started, unable to stop. In fact Hannah had never actually believed or heard any of these things. She often made these up so as to make her somewhat plain friend feel a bit better about herself, which she normally failed at.
“Enough Hannah, Gregory Goyle does not have a crush on me. And if he does, well, then he’s obviously blind as a bat. Besides he’s a Slytherin,” she said, making a face.
“Did anyone else notice that Susan didn’t say she was not attracted to Gregory,” Ernie said in a mock whisper, a clever smirk on his lips.
“Did anyone else notice Ernie’s brief jaunt to the lake this morning with…,” Susan said in the same mock whisper.
“That is a low blow Susan,” Ernie reprimanded while trying not to blush at the obvious implications.
“Perhaps,” Susan said, glad to have the attention off her for a moment, “So tell us Ernie what wer-“
“He’s doing it again Susan,” Justin said, enjoying his friend's obvious discomfort.
She glanced back again just in time to see a slight blush cross Goyle’s face before he turned back and began eating again.
“Tell us honestly Susan. Have you been flirting with Gregory Goyle,” Hannah asked with a teasing laugh. Ernie knew to keep his mouth shut, while Justin simply waited for Susan’s answer.
“No I have not been flirting with Gregory Goyle. The only reason he is staring at me is because he’s probably thinking up some horrible trick for he and his friends to play on me, alright? Can we move on to a new subject now?”
Ernie was the first to speak. “You’re absolutely right Susan,” he said rather abruptly, “erm Justin how are your NEWT studies going?”
“Fine, though my study method probably isn’t quite as rewarding as yours and Bulstrode’s,” Justin said dryly, getting the desired laugh from Hannah and the even more desired look of shock from Ernie.
Susan laughed as well, but couldn’t quite shake the thought from her head that Gregory might still be staring at her.