01 New Curves Layer
Input: 94
Output: 150
Don't play with the opacity yet, it's for later :)
02 New Selective Coloring Layer
Red: -100 +37 +100 0
Yellows: -100 -40 -100 -100
Neutrlas: +21 -4 -6 +6
03 Duplicate the selective coloring layer and set it at softlight 100%
for the curves layer:
try setting it on screen. For this one, I set it on screen with the opacity 62% you can either put it on screen and play with opacity or keep it normal and play with the opacity if you want. Basically what I'm trying to say is play with the opactiy :)
Now I don't play with this layer but it depends on your image. The softlight sc layer. If you want. Mess with it.
btw.. I have a batch of icons coming soon that is FILLED with this coloring. It's gorgeous with most pictures *coughmostlyjaredonescough*
psd here