FANFIC: Missing Sister, the next generation (15 years after) (Chapter 4)

Feb 08, 2013 16:09

TITLE: Missing Sister, the next generation (15 years after)
PAIRINGS/CHARACTERS: Most of main cast feature in this. As for pairings, some you might be able to guess, others will surprise you. A lot has happened in 15 years.
RATING/WARNINGS: I'll go with PG-13, just in case.
SUMMARY/NOTES: A next generation fic. Three years ago Brady was kidnapped by the Chosen, and the Mallrats still don't know where she or the Chosen are. Now things are set in motion, bringing the Mallrats and the Chosen towards their final battle, while the next generation of Mallrats are forced to come to terms with their parents' past.

As a way to make it easier to keep track of timelines in terms of flashbacks, I'll be using Year (insert number) AV in the headings to let you know when it takes place. AV = After Virus, so s1 is year 0. S1-s5 lasted about 3 years in the timeline of this story.

(my advice is to try and read the story before looking at the profiles, they are there mainly to help avoid confusion with the amount of new characters.)

CHAPTER 4: Living for the weekend

Oh yeah, I look around me and I can see this place is full of people like me,
all living for the weekend.
Yeah, I feel the rhythm I see the light, I feel my heart beat, I feel alive,
nothing can stop me now, nothing can bring me down.
Out there tonight is the night of my life got my name on, skip to the beat.
Hard-Fi - Living for the weekend

Year 18 AV (After Virus)

“I don’t like this. Not at all.” Trudy said as she folded the newly washed and dried clothes and put them into different piles. Jack barely looked up from the work he was doing at the next table. Next to him was little Dal, drawing in silence as usual.
When there were no more clothes to fold, she grabbed a washing cloth and started wiping down the tables in the café.
“I’m still not convinced it’s safe.”
“Junior guaranteed it, Trudy. Everyone else is going, we can’t keep them locked up.”
Trudy opened her mouth to object to that last point, but stopped when her eyes caught sight of the drawing her son was making. The monster in blue or white robes was as always present. She sighed as she stroked his hair gently. Just then Allie, Jayda and Riley walked into the café.

Trudy stared at Jayda. She had a skirt on so short it looked more like something Monique would wear, along with a tight-fitting short-sleeved top, and her face was covered in make-up and glitter.
“We’re going now.” Jayda crossed her arms over her chest as she talked. She avoided the eyes of both Trudy and Jack, and hurried out of there quickly, leaving Allie and Riley behind to face her mother’s wrath.
“What is she wearing?” Trudy turned to the other two.
“Clothes?” Allie shrugged, looking very uncomfortable.
“Well, not very much of it!” Trudy objected.
As soon as she turned towards Jack, the other two girls saw their chance to escape.
“I don’t like this!”

Jayda was waiting for the other two downstairs by the fountain. Without another word all three walked outside to meet the others.
Chris whistled when he saw them, his eyes going up and down Jayda’s body with a smile spreading on his face.
“I’ll have to keep a close eye on you tonight, keep all the bad boys away.” He winked, and Jayda smiled back at him.
Riley and Audrie rolled their eyes, while Allie, Bray, Charlie and Jason all glared at Chris. He ignored them, and put at arm around Jayda as he started leading the group away from the mall.
“Monique not coming?” Riley asked, looking pointedly at Jayda as she said it, but without getting a response from her friend.
“Nope. Something she had to do. Who cares,” Chris replied without turning around.
Charlie kept his head down, fixing his eyes on his feet instead of the two in front of him. Audrie put an arm around his shoulders, while River fell in line next to them in silence.


The warehouse that housed the party was only separated from the others around it by the noise and the glaring lights hung up at the front. Inside the music was so loud they could barely hear each other, and it was crowded with people. Chris dragged Jayda out on the dance floor almost as soon as they were inside, leaving the rest to themselves. Bray took off quickly to, looking for friends or a new girl for the night. The other six stayed close together, ending up in a corner with their backs against the wall.

After years of political battle between the Demon Dogs and the Mallrats, the Demon Dogs’ new leader had finally decided to cooperate with the Mallrats and join the Tribal Union. But there was still a lot of animosity between the tribes, the older generation remembered the conflict from the beginning, and the younger generation had been brought up to distrust each other. There had been certain feeble attempts in the past few months from the Demon Dogs to unite with the other tribes, and this was what Bray had told their parents this party was about.

Mostly they stood in silence, though Jason and River tried keeping a conversation going between them, occasionally joined by Audrie. Riley kept her eyes on the dance-floor, trying to keep control of where Jayda was, though it wasn’t long until she lost track of them in between all the other people in tight embraces moving around, the majority not even close to following the rhythm. Allie just stood with her arms crossed over her chest, chewing on her bottom lip and glaring out into the air. Charlie still kept his head down, looking completely heartbroken.

After about half an hour of the same, Audrie sighed and was the first to move away from the wall.
“Let’s go get something to drink.”
She led the group towards the drinks table. She grabbed a glass and filled it with some of the red liquid in the large punchbowl and handed it to her brother. Before anyone else could consider getting some themselves, Bray was suddenly there taking the glass out of Charlie’s hand.
“Are you kids really this stupid?” He asked, rolling his eyes at them.
“What’s wrong with the punch?” Audrie asked with a scowl on her face. “It’s an alcohol-free party.”
“Really? And where exactly are the adults making sure of that?” Bray asked with a small smile on his face, as the others looked around. True enough, no one seemed be over the age of 20.
“Trust me, there’s alcohol at this party.” Bray said, but still took a sip of the cup he had taken from Charlie.
“And you’re going to help us by drinking it all yourself. How sweet,” Riley gave him a fake smile, and he just shrugged in response.
“I know how to handle alcohol. See it as an opportunity to live a little.” He patted Jason’s hair as he said it. “No reason to always be such a goody-goody.”
“This was all Chris’ idea, wasn’t it?”
Allie now stood right in front of Bray, staring right into his eyes. Once again Bray shrugged.
“God, I’m so sick of you! This is just another one of your parties, isn’t it? Where Jason ends up covering for your mommy because you don’t have the guts to tell her you spent the night drunk in some girl’s bed!”
Bray smirked. “Jealous, are you? Wait a few years, and if Jason still hasn’t manned up enough I’ll consider giving you what you need.”
Riley rushed forward and pushed him hard in the chest.
“You filthy piece of scum!” she shouted, loud enough for people around them to stop what they were doing and pay attention. “Take that back, or I swear I’ll make you regret you were ever born!”
Riley looked so livid the others thought she might strangle him. River and Charlie both had to pull her away, before Bray took off into the crowd, his smile a little more strained.

“God, I hate him!” Riley said through gritted teeth. “He’s even worse than Chris!”
“No one is worse than Chris.” Charlie snorted.
Riley turned on him, a blazing look on her face. “I can’t stand Chris, but at least he doesn’t try to hide that he’s a jerk! Bray is a fake liar!”
Charlie opened his mouth to argue back, but backed down when getting warning looks from Audrie and River. Riley looked angry enough to keep shouting, but stopped when Allie put a hand on her shoulder.
“Leave it, Riley.” Allie looked at her, and nodded slightly towards Jason, who was looking down at the ground.
“Okay, I’m sick of this. Let’s go camping like we planned to,” Audrie said as she looked from River to Charlie. River nodded in agreement, though Charlie went back to searching the dance floor with his eyes.
“No worries, I’ll get her.” Riley sighed dramatically.
Charlie didn’t object when Audrie grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the exit.
“You two stand right here.” Riley looked at Allie and Jason. “And I will go find Jayda and tell her we’re going home. We’re not staying here.”
“She’s not going to be happy.” Jason finally spoke.
“I don’t care!” Riley snapped, making Jason jump. “If your jerk of a brother was right, this place is going to be full of drunk kids soon, and we’re in the Demon Dogs’ sector. It’s dangerous, and being your big sister she’s responsible for you two.”
Allie and Jason had no time to respond before she walked away.

Riley searched the dance floor for several minutes without finding them. The throng of people made it difficult to move, and she had a feeling she could easily pass by them a few feet away without seeing them. She noticed a large door on one side, and quickly slipped inside after a couple too involved with each other to notice anyone else. There was another room there filled with sofas and a strong smell of incense, and a staircase leading up to a hallway. Riley walked into the room, being stopped by a Demon Dog almost before she had taken another step. By the way his eyes went up and down her body, she knew she was in trouble.
“Get out of my way.” She put up her most dangerous glare, but had a feeling this guy wouldn’t scare as easily as the Mallrat kids.
“Oh, I don’t know. I like being in your way,” he smirked as he moved closer, his hand suddenly on her shoulder. She tried to push him away, but he only put his other arm around her waist. Before she could open her mouth to protest or scream for help, someone yanked him away and he fell to the floor. Riley looked on in shock as Chris glared down at the guy, Jayda standing beside him, a mix of fear and awe on her face.
“She’s off limits, buddy.” Chris sneered.
“What’s your problem?” The Demon Dog was up in Chris’ face, neither of them willing to back down.
“Just leave her alone, okay? She’s not interested.”
“How do you know?”
Chris rolled his eyes, and turned to Riley. “Are you interested?”
“No.” Riley grimaced.
“See?” Chris let go of the guy. “So beat it.”
The Demon Dog got to his feet, eyeing Chris for a moment before he shrugged and walked away, not bothering to pick a fight. Jayda rushed over to Riley’s side.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine,” she said quickly, willing herself to stop shaking. “We’re leaving.”
“What?” Jayda looked confused.
“Come on!” Riley tried to pull on her arm, but Jayda pulled back.
“What for?”
“They lied!” Riley glared in the direction of Chris, who only winked and gave her a smirk in return.
“This isn’t arranged by the adult Demon Dogs. There’s no supervision, lots of alcohol, and too soon for comfort there will be lots of drunk Demon Dogs around. We have to get Allie and Jason home now. The tree-huggers already left to go camping.”
Jayda looked from Riley to Chris. “Can’t you take them home?” She asked Riley. “I think I’ll stay here with Chris.”
“Are you dumb?” Riley stared at her.
“There’s no need to be rude. It’s perfectly safe for you three to walk home now, and Chris will look after me.” Jayda gave him a smile, and Chris gave another wink.
“I don’t believe you.” Riley sighed, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. “Fine! Stay!”
She held up her arms as she turned away and walked off.

Riley rushed back to where Allie and Jason stood, still in silence without looking at each other.
“Let’s go!” She shouted over the music.
“Where’s Jayda?” They both asked, almost in unison.
“She’s staying here with Chris.”
Without another word she walked outside, and the two others saw no choice but to follow her.
“What do you mean she’s staying with Chris?” Allie asked as she caught up with Riley outside where it was possible to talk without shouting.
“We can’t leave her here.” Jason protested.
“My priority is to get you two out of here and back home to sleep safely in your beds tonight. It should be her priority to. She’s your fucking sister, not me.”
“Yeah, but…”
“No reason to argue, Al.” Riley held her hand up. “Look, Chris is a lot of things, but he’s not stupid enough to let anything happen to her. Not unless he wants to be thrown out on the streets with the lowlife scum he hangs around with.”
The other two couldn’t really argue with that. Besides, there was no one that she would really be safer with if something bad should happen. Chris had a lot of respect among troublemakers.


Cazandra had gone deep inside the old cave, crawling through small holes in the collapsed walls as she tried desperately not to think of the people that had been killed when they tumbled down. She found herself a little nook where she could lie down and stretch her legs. Using her backpack as a pillow and jacket as cover, she lay down on the dusty hard ground. It didn’t take long for the tears to come, and then sleep overtook her within moments.


The walk home was spent mostly in silence, with Riley always a step or two ahead, and Jason and Allie focused on keeping up with her. It wasn’t until they walked into the mall, and Riley quickly pressed in the code to keep the alarm from going off, that Allie wondered what they should tell their parents. She considered the possibility of managing to sneak away to her room before anyone could make her tell them anything, but it was too late. Lex was standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at them.
“You’re home early.” He said, a bit too loudly.
Soon there were footsteps and Trudy came hurrying out of the café with Jack, Amber, Salene and May in tow.
“Where’s everyone else?”
“There was a bit of trouble, so we all left. The tree-huggers went camping.” Riley said quickly.
“And Jayda?” Trudy’s voice was already close to becoming that high-pitched tone it turned to when she was upset. Riley and Allie glanced at each other, unsure of what to say. But Jason was too quick for them.
“She went with them. You know how Charlie is, the way he talks about it anyone would want to go camping. Near the farm, they promised.”
Riley raised her eyebrows and looked at Allie, who just shrugged in response. Trudy looked puzzled. Jayda had never exactly been one to enjoy the outdoor-life. She bit her lower lip as she contemplated this, before finally giving a slight nod.
“Well, I guess that’s alright. Those three know what they’re doing. I wish she would have asked first though.”
Relieved that she bought it, the three dared to walk up the stairs towards them.

“And where’s Bray?” Amber looked at her youngest son as they reached the top. Again Jason was quick to think up an excuse.
“He stayed behind to get people home, and sort things out without too much trouble. He said it would probably be late and he’d stay over at a friend’s place.”
“Sounds like Bray.” Amber smiled, rather proudly, as she nodded contentedly with the answer. Allie disguised her laughter with coughing, causing Riley to struggle keeping her smile back. Jason was the only keeping a straight face, but luckily he was the one the adults were focused on.
“So, do you three want to join us in the café?” Salene looked at them. Trudy was still staring towards the entrance, as if she was considering whether or not she should run after them into the woods.
“I’m tired. Going to bed early.” Allie mumbled. Jason and Riley both used the same excuse as the adults wished them good night and disappeared back inside.

“You’re disturbingly good at lying.” Riley said through gritted teeth when they walked towards their rooms. Jason shrugged. She slowed down, and gave him a look that demanded more explanation than a shrug.
“What am I supposed to do? Tell her the truth? It would break her heart.” Jason sighed, leaning against the railing.
“True. But you shouldn’t have to be the one worrying about that, Jason. He’s supposed to be the older brother, but really you’re taking care of him most of the time.” Riley shook her head. “And now Jayda puts you in that position to. They’re not your responsibility, Jason.” Her face softened as she was talking, but then went back to the angry glare. Without another word she turned around and marched off.

Jason looked after her with a sad look on his face, before he turned his gaze to Allie. “I’m their brother,” he said, as if she had asked for an explanation.
“He doesn’t deserve it.”
Jason shrugged again. “Maybe not. But it’s not that easy…”
“Actually it is. Just stop lying for him, and your parents will be forced to see what he’s like. Maybe they can knock some sense into him.”
“Easier said then done.”
“Or maybe you’re just a coward.”
”Maybe I am.”
Allie was surprised at the calm tone of his voice.
“I just… I’m too loyal sometimes, I know. But I’d do anything for the people I care about. Judge me for it all you want, but one day it might be you who needs me to lie for you, and you won’t mind so much.”
“Me? I’m one of the people you care about?” Allie’s eyes widened.
“Well, yeah… you’re my best friend.” Jason shrugged, and gave her an awkward smile.
“I’m your best friend?” She asked doubtfully.
“Who else do you see in the running?” Jason had a small smirk on his face. “Anyone else who hangs out with me is either a grown-up or related to me. Not really BFF-material.”
He rolled his eyes when she still looked surprised.
“Are you really this shocked that people actually like you?”
“No, I…” She stopped, unsure of what to answer.
“Good night, Allie. See you tomorrow.” With that he walked away from her.

Riley was already in bed. Allie noticed the gap between the two beds belonging to Jayda and Riley immediately. They were always pushed together, except for when one of them was sick or during one of their very rare arguments, and usually even those were really arguments between Allie and Riley where Jayda got caught in between. Riley was lying with her back turned towards Jayda’s bed, pretending to be asleep. With a sigh Allie started getting undressed, a bad feeling in her gut.


It was only half an hour later when Audrie, Charlie and River returned to the mall. Lex walked out of the café, with the intent to get an early night for once, as his two and River walked into the entrance hall.
“Hey.” He looked surprised. “What are you doing home? I thought you went camping?”
“Well, we were worried about the others and wanted to make sure they got home alright.”
By the tone of Audrie’s voice, and the look she gave her brother, Lex was pretty sure it hadn’t been her idea to return to the mall. He smirked when she crossed her arms over her chest and sent her brother a glare as he gave her that smile of his. He really had his sister wrapped around his finger. The smirk faded when he realised there was only three of them.
“Where’s Jayda?”
Just as he asked, the others were coming out of the café, having heard voices outside.
“Jayda?” Audrie asked puzzled.
“Wasn’t she with you?” Amber asked quickly, glancing over at Trudy who looked already close to panicking.
“Why would she be with us?” Audrie said, too quickly to notice the warning look her brother gave her.
“They said she was with you!” Trudy’s voice was now that infamous high-pitched tone. Audrie gave Charlie and River a pleading look as she realised she had screwed up some plan.
“Jason! Riley! Allie!” Amber called. As they all rushed out of their rooms and saw the trio at the bottom of the stairs, they froze.
“Where is Jayda, and why did you say she was with them?” Amber looked at her son, hands placed on her hips.
“We told him she went with them. She’s at the party.” Allie interrupted.
Jason glanced at her in surprise, but before he could say or do anything…
“WHAT?” Trudy screeched.
“She’s fine.” Riley stepped forward. “She wanted to stay behind with Chris. I decided it was best to get these two home, as there was a lot of alcohol floating around.” She motioned towards Allie and Jason, who both tried to make themselves look as small as possible to underline Riley’s need to protect them. Or maybe they just felt small under the glares of Trudy and Amber.
“I didn’t see any adults either, so I think someone must have lied somewhere. I tried to get her to come with us, but she refused to leave. I didn’t know what else to do.”

Before another word could be spoken, Trudy stormed down the stairs. Jack, Salene and Amber all rushed after her and stopped her at the bottom.
Lex sighed and started walking down after them.
“I don’t think it’s such a good idea for you to storm over there, Trudy.” Amber stood in front of her and looked straight in her eyes. Salene placed a comforting hand on Trudy’s shoulder. “It’s not.” Lex agreed. “We’ll go.” He motioned towards May, who sighed and walked towards him.
“I’ll get her home safe, don’t worry.” Lex tried to give her a confident smile.
“Don’t worry?” Trudy turned on him. “Because with you, my kids are safe? How safe was Brady under your protection!”
For a second everyone froze. Salene’s hand dropped from Trudy’s shoulder to her side.
“We know the area better, Trudy. It won’t help anyone if you rush down there and get yourself into trouble.” May was the first to interrupt the silence, and acted as if nothing had happened. “Besides, it sounds like an illegal party, and we need to break it up anyway. We should call for back-up.”
May turned to Lex, who finally moved with a nod and reached for the radio in his pocket. He walked towards the door as he turned it on. May glanced from Trudy to Salene, before following, the static noise of the radio diminishing quickly as they disappeared outside.

“I’ll get the kids to bed.” Salene said quickly and ushered hers and River towards their room. Audrie and Charlie both sent concerned looks in the direction their father had disappeared. Allie, Riley and Jason walked back up the stairs after warning looks from Jack and Amber.
“Let’s go to the café and get some tea, Trudy.” Amber started leading her away.
“I need to check on Dal.” She objected.
“I’ll do it.” Jack interjected. “You should try to relax. Jayda will be fine.”
He walked slowly upstairs and watched silently as Amber guided Trudy into the café, before turning towards the room he shared with Trudy and little Dal.

Amber poured a cup of tea from the warm kettle and placed it in front of Trudy. She sat down opposite her, and gave a small sigh.
“Jayda is fine, Trudy.”
Trudy didn’t answer. Amber waited another few seconds.
“Look, what you said to Lex…”
“It’s the truth,” Trudy said quickly as her hands reached for the cup, grasping it as if her fingers were cold.
“Maybe, but his kids don’t need to hear that, Trudy.”
Trudy sighed, hiding her head in her hands.
“I know. I just… I worry so much I lose my head, I can’t help it.”
Amber could hear on her voice that she was close to crying, so she sat down next to her, gently rubbing her on the back.
“I know, Trudy. It’s only natural that you worry so much, your daughter was kidnapped. But you can not blame Lex for everything because of it.”
“It was his fault.” Trudy finally looked up, her eyes red, and cheeks wet.
Amber sighed. “He made a mistake…”
“A mistake? He went against the plan completely! He left his post, because of his precious Tai-San! He knew the risk.”
“We all wanted to see if we could get the old Tai-San back, Trudy. Even you, remember?”
“Yes, but then we decided to focus on keeping Brady safe! I should have known not to trust Lex. He never wanted me and Brady here in the first place.”
“That was years ago, Trudy. He was a different person back then, you know that.”
“Do I? Do I really?”
Amber didn’t answer, she just looked at Trudy until the purple-haired woman sighed.
“I do know that.”

Amber smiled gently to her before glancing up at the clock on the café wall.
“I think I’ll go to City Hall and get Jay. He should know what’s going on. Will you be alright?”
Trudy nodded, and tried to put up a smile. Amber stood up, grabbing her jacket from the chair she had thrown it over when she returned home from work a few hours earlier. She gave Trudy a quick pat on the shoulder before rushing out.


Jayda willingly followed Chris up the staircase. Somewhere they could be alone, he had said. He led her into a room with only an old bed. But she didn’t have time to even look around before he had her pressed up against the wall, and his lips met hers. The kiss was every bit as fantastic as she had expected. It sent chills through her body when their tongues met, and his hand travelled under her shirt to caress her stomach. She felt lightheaded, the drinks he had given her had gone straight to her head.
He pulled his lips away from hers, and started kissing her neck.

“You know I’m bad for you, right?” He whispered into her ear.
Jayda let out a small giggle as his tongue tickled her.
“I don’t think you’re nearly as bad as you pretend to be,” she whispered back. He pulled away slightly and looked at her.
“What makes you think I’m pretending?” He asked, his voice sounding a little darker and his eyes narrowing.
“I’ve known you all your life, Chris. I’m three months older than you, remember? I know you better than you think.”
As he kept kissing her neck, she continued talking.
“It’s all an act. I remember what you were like before. Remember that time when we were all little, and we went to the playground? When Allie fell and hurt her knee, and you practically carried her all the way to the mall? She was only, what… four? I remember that. And the way you defended Riley before, from that guy. Underneath it all you’re just a sweet caring guy, aren’t you?”
Chris didn’t reply. He kissed her again, much rougher now, before pulling her towards the bed.


Jack sat silently on the side of the bed as he looked down at his son. The boy was mumbling in his sleep, sometimes a small cry escaping his lips. His face was twisted in pain, and his cheeks wet with tears. Carefully Jack started stroking the boy’s bright red hair in gentle firm movements.

Dal had only been four years old the first time he saw an old picture of his dad, and demanded to have his hair dyed as bright red as Jack’s had been. Though Dal didn’t speak these days, he always nodded when asked if he wanted to keep it that way, and Trudy was always happy to dye it for him. Jack himself had kept the red to a minimum since he was a kid, it seemed too childish now, especially after he had become a dad. Salene and Trudy both still somehow managed to pull it off, but then Jack had always been skinny and gangly, always looked younger than his age.

Soon the cries stopped and Dal’s face relaxed. It was the only way to stop the nightmares.
In his sleep was the only time Dal ever talked now; usually it was just mumbling, and you could barely make out the words, though Jack could have sworn a few times that he heard the name Brady.


May and Lex walked in silence all the way to the old warehouse. There was a stench of alcohol, urine, and vomit. Already there were kids lying on the street outside throwing up. Lex snorted in disgust.
“What is wrong with these kids?”
May raised her eyebrows. “Yeah, cause we were so much better.”
Lex opened his mouth to retaliate, but realised she had a point and just shrugged. Without another word Lex threw open the door and walked inside, hands on his hips as he glared around the room. Only some of those standing closest turned to look at him before turning away again. May had to suppress a laugh at the disappointed look on his face. Lex always expected things to stop completely and go quiet when he did that, as if he was in an old western movie or something.

Back-up was on the way, but they had been asked to wait fifteen minutes. They wanted to find Jayda and get her out of there before any trouble started. The two of them split up and walked around the large room looking for her. When they met at the other side, they both shook their heads. May motioned towards a group of boys nearby.
“I’ve seen them with Chris, they probably know where he is.” She yelled over the music.
Lex watched as she marched over, pushing one of them against the wall and keeping him there until he gave her a satisfying answer. She let go of him so quickly he almost fell over. Then she found Lex in the crowd again and motioned towards a door. Lex hurried after her. The door led to a staircase. The upstairs rooms had once before the virus been used as offices and rest rooms for workers. Now they were so-called “private rooms” for party-goers wanting to have sex. As May and Lex stood at the end of a long hallway lined with doors on all sides, they both sighed loudly, almost in unison. May finally shrugged and kicked open the first door. One by one door they moved down the hall.

“If I find her like that with that bastard…” Lex hissed as they closed the door on another half.-naked couple.
“You mean my son?” May said through gritted teeth.
Lex broke up a possible coming argument by kicking in another door. And there they were.
“Get out.” Chris mumbled, without turning around, before Jayda’s hand at the back of his head pulled his lips to hers again. He was topless, lying on top of Jayda with his hand inside her unbuttoned blouse. Her already very revealing skirt was hiked up. Chris broke away from Jayda and turned around to see who it was. He sighed loudly as he moved away from her. She looked up at them, and covered her face with her hands, groaning loudly.
“What are you two doing here?” Chris asked annoyed.
“We’re taking Jayda home, you punk.” Lex growled, walking over to the mattress and grabbing Jayda’s arm to pull her up.
“Get dressed!” He growled at her to. She fumbled with the buttons, and giggled when she couldn’t figure them out.
“Oh great, you’re drunk.” Lex sighed loudly. He took his jacket off and put it around her, all the while glaring at Chris, who just gave him his most innocent smile in return.
“Should have thrown you in jail when I had the chance,” Lex mumbled angrily before he ushered Jayda quickly towards the door.
“Coming, May?” He called back at her as he started down the hall.
May turned to Chris. “Let’s go.”
“I’m staying.” Chris said quickly.
“Fine.” May rolled her eyes.
Without another word she walked out. Chris fell down on the bed with a sigh. He heard noises outside and looked up thinking his mother had come back, but it was someone else walking past the room.

fanfiction, the tribe, fanfic: missing sister

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