Title: Part One - Tingling (1 of 2)
Author: RamblingRose /
irishlullabyRated: PG13
Genre: General.
Spoilers: Episode Rose. If you know of the tenth Doctor, you’re good.
Characters: Rose, Ninth Doctor, mentions of other characters.
Pairings: Rose/Mickey, for now.
Summary: Part One in the re-vamped Cravings series. It was almost like he had somehow reached into her soul and said "you’re mine".
Master List for the new Cravings Series:
http://creativelullaby.livejournal.com/30662.html Rose stared at her hand for a long time after her mother had given her a 'night cap' and sent her to bed. Laying in the semi-darkness, Rose studied the glare of the moon over her fingers and the back of her hand. It was the hand the strange man had grabbed and pulled her down the shop corridor.
She couldn't explain it, but her hand felt... different. It was like he had grabbed it and forever connected himself to her. It was almost like he had somehow reached into her soul and said “you’re mine”.
She tried to remember the last time someone had such an effect on her... The last time she had ended up sleeping with him, someone she barely knew, and even now couldn't remember his name. It hurt trying to remember his name.
Even before her mystery-birthday-bloke there had been a youngish lad that had come into the shop that had caused the same sensation to go coursing through her veins while she modelled a dress for him. His brown eyes had seemed so sad as he took her hand and told her she looked beautiful.
One thing was for certain, she wouldn't be sleeping with the man in the leather jacket or the one with dark brown eyes any time soon. Mister Leather Jacket was most likely dead now due to his blowing up the shop. Mister Brown-Eyes had a girlfriend and had bought the dress she had modelled as a gift for her.
The real question of the moment wasn’t who she had, was, wasn’t, would one day be sleeping with… It was: why did her hand keep tingling, twitching, fingers curling around like they should still be clasped firmly in his hand?
It had taken her weeks getting over the same thing when she had encountered the strangers on her eighteenth birthday. How long would it take her to get over this new stranger?
Probably not nearly as long given she hadn't been intimate with him like she had with -- damn it, what was his name? She should remember something like that, after all, he had been the first bloke she'd ever... Then again, she had been very upset the night they met and since it was her eighteenth birthday her mates had made sure she got plenty of legal-age drinking done... Though, she had been pretty sure she had sobered up before he took her home... Weird.
Rose closed her eyes and tried not to think about strangers -- blue, brown, or green eyed.
Her hand still tingled though.
The Doctor jerked awake with a gasp. His head still hurt, his eyes similarly. He hated the way he had to sleep so much after a regeneration. But nothing had gone terribly wrong this time, all things considered. So, perhaps a few more days of catching naps here and there he would be back to normal. Not to mention a little less jumping-to-next-rooftop-during-an-explosion might do him a world of good.
He shook his hand and wiggled his fingers trying to get the insipid tingling to go away. He would blame it on the fact the TARDIS had given him a rather lovely shock when he had returned from the explosion and took her into the vortex. But, that would have been the wrong hand. Mentally he ticked back through his memory trying to figure out when the tingling had started.
It hadn't been tingling when he had arrived at the shop. Some time after arriving then... It hadn't been tingling while he rushed through the corridors, trying to get to the life form being trapped by the Autons. It had been tingling while he and the girl had been in the lift. Sometime between searching for her and shutting the lift then? It started... when he let go of her hand to yank off the Autons arm. It stopped anytime he touched her.
Question was, why was it still tingling?
She tried so hard to ignore it. But, it felt like Rose’s feet had lifted off the ground and she was spinning as his hand slid effortlessly into her own. Everything around them disappeared as he spoke of the turn of the Earth. She held her breath until he released her hand and told her to forget him. And, like she had hit a brick wall full force, her world stopped spinning... and her hand started tingling again.
Confusion whirling through her brain, she turned and walked away, the sensation in the tips of her fingers turning into more of a burning than a tingle.
A sound filled the air. A ghostly familiar sound from her past. Her heart leapt into her throat as she turned and ran toward the sound. She had once tried to follow it and couldn't find the source, she'd be damned if she was going to let it happen again. Though, the sound faded and she found herself in the same spot the Doctor had told her to forget him. He was no where in sight and the sounds were simply a thought upon the whisper of the breeze.
And she could have sworn there was a blue box on the street corner just a moment ago...
Just like the time before, when she had heard that mournful but beautiful sound, the mystery man she somehow connected to it was gone. She bit her bottom lip and went to Mickey's to see if, perhaps, she could find something on the internet on disappearing blue boxes, living plastic, and men that called themselves the Doctor.