Halloween Creatures Fest RULES & INFORMATION:
What is the hp_creatures Fest?
It is an anonymous prompt-based fic and art fest in which any HP pairing is acceptable, as long as at least one is a 'creature' (i.e. vampire, werewolf, veela, etc.).
What do you mean by "anonymous fest"?
While prompting is not anonymous, posting is. So please do not tell anyone other than your beta(s) the specifics of your story/art. We want the submissions to be kept as secret as possible. In addition, please only mention your beta(s) by initials in your author’s notes. Once the fest is over, there will be a big reveal and authors/artists will be able to respond to all comments as well as post their submission to their own journal!
I have a question that's not answered here. Where do I ask it?
You may ask any questions here in the comments. Additionally, you may PM or email the Mods directly.
What is the Mods' email address?
You can email the Mods at: creaturefestmod@gmail.com.
What is the minimum length requirement for fic?
All entries must be at least 1,000 words in length. There is no maximum.
Does my entry need to be beta read?
Absolutely! If you don't already have a beta reader, we will be putting a call out for betas after claiming has closed. Alternatively you can try
hp_betas or
hp_betas_wanted. Mods will be proofreading your submissions and we will return your fic/art to you if it's a total mess and clearly hasn't been looked over.
Is there a rating limit?
All ratings are welcome. G to NC-17.
Are threesome/moresome stories allowed?
Are all genres welcome?
Yes, all genres are welcome in this fest! Dark!fic, flangst, fluff, hurt/comfort, family, romance, drama, humour, etc., just as long as it includes creatures!
Do I need to include html tags?
Yes, please make sure to include all appropriate html tags in the body of your story. Don't know what html tags are? Go check out
HTML Guide.
Can I write a story that's part of an existing 'verse or that's a sequel, or could I submit a WIP?
All stories submitted must be unique to this fest. We prefer that they not be part of an existing 'verse or a sequel to another story, although if the story can stand alone this will be considered. You may only submit complete stories; WIPs will not be accepted. Additionally, you may not submit a story that you have previously posted. We want shiny, new, surprise fic and art that will blow our readers away!
I like more than one prompt! May I submit multiple stories/pieces of art?
Of course you may! However, you may not make a second, third, fourth, etc., claim until you have submitted your first one to the Mods.
How many people can claim the same prompt?
Each prompt may be claimed once for art and once for fic.
How many prompts can I submit?
As many as you want!
Can I submit prompts even if I'm not going to write/draw for the fest?
Yes, please do! We understand that not everybody is a writer or an artist, but we encourage your participation.
I'm done with my entry. Can I submit early?
Yes please! As soon as your entry is complete and beta read, feel free to email it to us. Once we've confirmed receipt, you can ask for an additional prompt.
How do I submit my entry to the fest?
Email your entry to the Mods’ email account: creaturefestmod@gmail.com. Fic should be sent in docx or doc format. Art should be jpeg, gif, or png, please. Include the appropriate headers (below) in the body of the email. The subject of your email should read: YOUR USERNAME -- SUBMISSION -- Prompt # (e.g., kitty_fic -- Submission -- Prompt 34).
Title: Author:
Word Count:
Warnings: (highlight to read)*WARNINGS GO HERE*
Author's Notes:
Disclaimer: This piece of fiction is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, andWarner Bros. Inc. No money is being made, no copyright or trademark infringement, or offense is intended. All characters depicted in sexual situations are above the age of consent.
Art Medium:
Warnings: (highlight to read)*WARNINGS GO HERE*
Artist's Notes:
Disclaimer: This piece of fiction is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, andWarner Bros. Inc. No money is being made, no copyright or trademark infringement, or offense is intended. All characters depicted in sexual situations are above the age of consent.
The deadline for sign-ups has passed, but I still want to take part. What do I do?
Sometimes claiming deadlines slip by without us noticing, sometimes we hear about a fest two blasted days after claiming ends, and sometimes Mods (like us) are awesome enough to be lenient. If you can guarantee that you will get your fic/art in when it's due, we'll let you make a claim even after official claiming ends. Again - the more the merrier! Authors/artists who've already made and submitted their claim may continue to make additional claims even after official claiming closes.
Will you offer extensions?
Extensions will be judged on an individual basis. Try to give us as much notice as possible, we mods don't love last minute panics, it messes with our pretty schedules! (The subject of your email should read: EXTENSION - YOUR USERNAME).
Real life has kicked my arse and I need to drop out. What are the consequences?
Hey, we understand that sometimes real life gets in the way fandom. As long as you just send us an email saying you need to drop out--before the deadline for submissions--there will be no consequences.
If you intend to participate as an author/artist/reader, please join/watch hp_creatures.