
Feb 25, 2012 16:45

Production Line, a biweekly donating game that is terribly late this week… m(_ _)m ";;; P/L:05 will commence back on a Wednesday schedule the week-after and will overlap [run concurrently] with P/L:04 for a few days. Kindly excuse the inconvenience @_@"||||

Y'heard the man, them mechs aren't going anywhere until all that extensive damage's repaired, regular maintenance handled

and various things reconfigured. Roll up 'em sleeves an'less get t'work, greasemonkeh.

Help the stressed-out engineering crew wherever it's needed and be rewarded!

The Quick Rundown: It's technically Deckname Shiritori - simply follow-up the previous card by donating a card that starts with the last letter of said previous card! Each valid helpout will be rewarded with two random cards.

Hangar Rules: Tools Decks may be used multiple times.

The sheer number of things being done all over the humongous engineering bay means your tasks require you to go all over the dang place, while avoiding collisions with everyone else doing the same thing; not to mention Spare Parts & Supplies can only handle so many requests at a time.

This means restrictions! The queue at the understaffed SP&S department will hold you back for 5 valid plays in the first week before you can assist again, and when reinforcements arrive in the second week the delay will only be three valid plays.

You can assist up to five times in these two weeks before Next Mission Go (i.e. Round Ends).

[We're still gauging player response for these first rounds; restrictions and play limits will be tweaked accordingly in subsequent games. Have fun! ;D ]

    - the last card ends with a _number_ (that isn't 1 or 2)/an 'x'. What can I do with that…?!

    We're going to allow soft-logic on this; the following allowances apply while decks that begin with 3/4/7/x, etc. do not yet exist:

      Since X is read as 'ex', we're allowing the x -> 'ex' connection.
        ( ^ this means that decks beginning with 'ex' run Double Duty for both 'e' and 'x' endings, for now.)
      3/4/7: we'll go with the last-letter of the number in question as spelt-out:: 3 = three -> 'e', 4 = four -> 'r' & 7 = seven -> 'n'.

      ^ generally this means that yes, you can gack a wrench from Exia's crew to fiddle with Dynames' bolts and no-one will execute you - as long as you return it.

    - oh GUH I fudged up my play / someone snuck that spare-part in before me and I only just noticed…

    Sure, it happens; no problem- but DON'T delete or edit your comment, Please…! our inboxes are crazy enough as is @_@";;;

      Simply reply to your invalid play-comment with Invalid Play in the subject line, then go ahead and Reply to Post again to play a valid part(card) - as long as there .are. 5 Valid Plays by others before your valid-play..! (or 3 valid-plays in-between, for Wk 2.)

  1. (( ^ ForTheRecord, Lasse will probably drop by to inform on invalid plays, or to prod anyone who's 'jumped-queue', wittingly or otherwise. ))

[more will be added to this section as we get any questions you might have!]

Week 1 of this round runs up-to-and-including March 02, and Week 2 til the end of March 09 This round has ended; Thank you for playing! ^^" /

biweekly, production line, mod: eiji, games

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